Lives of service

EDITOR, The Tribune.

The Bahamas is a great little nation despite the challenges and obstacles which confront us every so often. 2022 was a good year for many and I, for one, thank the Lord Jesus Christ for having assisted our people with successfully emerging into 2023. Some of us did not, unfortunately, make it through. Many of us did, however, and as a people and individuals we must now put our shoulders to the wheel and develop ourselves on a personal level and the nation collectively. We have any number of distinct role models.

In the first years Honours List for 2023 by King Charles III, His Majesty awarded a number of stellar Bahamians secular honours that, in my opinion, are well deserved. Dormer Police Commissioner, Emerick Seymour was recognized for his long and exemplary service to The Bahamas via the Royal Bahamas Police Force and within the wider community.

Bishop Nathaniel Beneby is a long time Banker and a religious leader. He has served on various committees and governmental boards and brought a vast array to the table. He and his extended family have long played a critical role in business and religious growth in the nation. The good Bishop was also a pace setter in the banking industry where he served as a top executive within the Royal Bank of Canada organisation.

My good friend, Mr. Leslie Bowe from Montell Heights (can anything good come out of Montell Heights?) I say a resounding yes and would wish to posthumously commend my late beloved father, Dr. Ortland H. Bodie Sr. for having had the foresight to conceptualize and lay out Montell Heights way back in the early 1960’s. Those were the days when ordinary black Bahamians could only dream of acquiring an affordable piece of residential land. Brother Bowe was one of the first businessmen to relocate in that area where he and his family continue to serve the residents over there.

While all of the honours conferred by King Charles III are well deserving, there is none more so than the award made to my lifelong brother and friend, the Rt Hon Algernon SPB Allen. He, in recognition of his extensive life of service to The Bahamas and our people in an array of areas like: elective politics; as a cabinet minister and leader of government business under the former Prime Minister, Hubert A Ingraham, “Bulgy”, as he is affectionately widely known, wrought many governmental subdivisions which have turned out to be resounding successes in particular Millennium Gardens.

As a prototype as to what a ‘real’ Minister of Youth; Sports & Culture should be like, Bulgy, led that ministry at a critical time in the development and motivation of tens of thousands of youthful and hopeful younger Bahamians. He did not, thank God, leave out the adults and more mature Bahamians. In fact, he coined the phase: ‘Little Darlings and Precious Pearls’ almost single handedly. Even to this day that phase is more relevant than before.

It is a phenomenon of the highest order that many of our old people have failed or neglected to ensure that they’d have adequate assets and savings for inevitable retirement. They are obliged to rely on a pension from NIB or would have to continue gainful occupations well into the 60’s and 70’s. Often times they are neglected by ungrateful children and abandoned. These are the ‘precious pearls’ whom Bulgy would have been referring to. We all stand on the shoulders of our parents and grandparents.While we must never forget the seniors, I am more concerned with our wayward youths and younger Bahamians.

I have urged the enlightened Most Hon Prime Minister, Philip ‘Brave’ Davis, KC, MP to establish The National Youth Service Consultative Commission. Such a Commission would be tasked with conceptualising an embryonic national youth service designed to “rescue” and “rehabilitate” as many of our younger generation as possible.

Such a commission would not “compete” with the substantive Ministry of Youth; Sports & Culture, but would rather work in conjunction with the same, but directly reporting to the Office of the Prime Minister. As a former Crown Counsel and later in private criminal defense practice, Bulgy excelled. He has a vast knowledge of the ins and working of the “criminal mantra” and the way too many of our younger and some older people think and relate to crime on the ground. Brother Allen would make a dynamic; motivational and wonderful inaugural Chairman of the National Youth Service Commission.

Such a commission could/should have elements of component from the FNM; non governmental and civic organisations as well, of course, of the religious community. There should also be representatives from the media and other relevant stake holders. In 2022 we had a record number of alleged homicides mostly within a certain age bracket. One life lost to senseless violence is one too many. Bulgy is the right man for this crucial task at this time. I am certain that if he is asked to serve by the PM that he would readily agree so to do.

It is fitting also that after some 50 solid years within the highly competitive legal profession that the Rt. Hon. Algernon SPB Allen would, finally, be professionally awarded the singular title of King’s Counsel, which, in my opinion, is long overdue. In fact, it has been said that good things come to those who wait.

In Bulgie’s case, however, this award is timely. He and Dame Anita just celebrated more than 50 years of marriage which according to the good Dames, were wonderful and an extraordinary marital adventure. Along that journey they produced several wonderful children who are all following in their gigantic footsteps in service to The Bahamas. May the Lord Jesus Christ continue to guide and protect The Bahamas in 2023.


Nassau,January 2. 2023


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