Montagu billboards

EDITOR, The Tribune.

While continuing to beat a horse after it has succumbed is a waste of time I know. But it is said that a dripping tap, left long enough, can drill a hole through a concrete block.

As one rounds the bend at Montagu Bay, you can have no idea of the beautiful seascape from the road however as BAMSI must think your soul can be nourished looking at its gaudy sign instead (pictured). And Commonwealth Brewery is of like mind, feeling that your soul will be far better nourished if you drink whichever of their beverages they have on offer on any particular day.

But if you are inquisitive and get out from the shadow of these billboards the seascape is magnificent with between ten and fifteen visiting sailboats at anchor in a gorgeous and tranquil Montagu Bay.

I am absolutely amazed that these businesses would have such little respect for the Bahamian public that they would park these Godawful ugly Billboards right in our faces. And one must wonder what the Minister of Parks & Beaches under both PLP & FNM must think of the Bahamian Public to allow such an insult to them. Do we have no dignity left?



January 17, 2022


ThisIsOurs 1 year, 9 months ago

I wondered if anyone else got it. I dont know who approves these things. We brag about our tourism numbers, and what's the biggest draw? Our "water", but somebody in some ivory tower, looking at a computer screen calculating that they could make 6000 per month in billboard revenue if we hide the seaview with giant pictures of the seaview. The backwards thinking never ceases to amaze me.

My mind just ran on days being picked up from school and driven over a giant hill near Gladstone road, I recall it was a very steep descent off that hill rivaling any natural rise we have today. I dont even remember the exact location of the hill, I just know it's gone. What are we doing???

hrysippus 1 year, 9 months ago

Mr. Bruce Raine is 100 percent on point. The unasked question remains; what connections, if any, are there between the people who have erected these billboards and the politicos currently in positions of authority?

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