Being taken for a ride

EDITOR, The Tribune.

During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic merchants increased prices on numerous goods claiming that due to supply chain issues and higher shipping costs they were forced to sell the goods at a higher price. If you checked this was the story globally and there were a number of news stories that confirmed this issue.

Currently, we are no longer in the midst of a pandemic. I do not know if the supply chain issue has been fully resolved. But, what I do know is that shipping costs have been reduced considerably. If you check the Income Statements of any major global shipping company you would clearly see their profits have dropped exponentially due to a significant drop in shipping prices. So, if the shipping costs which had skyrocketed has dropped significantly then why are the prices of goods in the food stores and drug stores (toiletries) still at pandemic level prices? Did merchants forget their costs went down? Are they unaware that they have considerably more money left in their pockets?

Once again the poor, the working class and the middle class are being taken for a ride like the "Palm Sunday donkey."



June 29, 2023.


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