Selling out! Independence Day sales soar

By Fay Simmons

Tribune Business Reporter


RETAILERS are reporting strong sales of Independence Day-related merchandise ahead of the Bahamas’s 50th anniversary celebrations.

James Wallace, owner/operator of Janaees Uniform Centre stated that pre-Independence Day sales have been "tremendous" leading to his business being sold out of items weeks prior to the holiday. He said this is the first year his company has offered independence merchandise and he was conservative with the amount imported.

He said: “Thankful to God that the sales have been tremendous. The Bahamian people are certainly supportive of the 50th anniversary of this country. We are absolutely sold out of items. It was sold out from last week.

“This is the first year we've done Independence, we just entered the market this year, for the first time. Of course we were very cautious in the amount of inventory brought in but we are certainly pleased and thankful to God that we are sold out of the inventory for Independence.”

Mr Wallace added that he saw an increase in demand for Independence goods over the past two weeks and although he is sold out of the initial Independence Day items they offer embroidery services have began to customise a new batch of apparel.

He said: “We brought them in the end of May, beginning of June. We saw the sales pick up and two weeks ago we saw a lot of traffic with regards to Independence. Here and now, we've completely sold out I mean, we just don't have it.

“We have in stock golf shirts that are not specific to Independence but we can embroider them and logo them and put the 50th anniversary on them which we are doing for customers who unfortunately missed the actual sublimated T-shirts that we were selling.”

Mr Wallace noted that due to the strong response to the Independence merchandise offered this year he intends to expand this line of business.

He said: “I think we will continue with the independent sector of the business, but this is our very first year in our 30 years of existing that we've opted to go into it.

“So definitely we're looking to do the same thing next year and probably expand the line into more areas like the flags on the buntings we didn't carry, we only carried garments this year.”

Mr Wallace said the increased sales are not unique to Janaee’s independence offerings, but due to Bahamains displaying their patriotism in celebration of the 50th Independence.

He said: “We’re understand that this is not Janaee-centric, this is industry-centric, everybody is sold out. The Bahamian people are certainly celebrating their 50th.”

“Jenaee’s would like to thank our customers very much for supporting us and The Bahamas in celebrating 50 years.”

Mr Wallace added that after Independence Janaees will be having an early bird back to school sale.

He said “Of course, we are heading back to school again right out of Independence, we’ll have 20 percent sale on all our back to school items so persons can shop early and take advantage of that.

“Hopefully they won’t end up in this situation where school is opening and they are still looking for items and can’t find them.”

Dr Cheryl Strachan, Beyond Flags owner/operator said sales are getting stronger as the Independence holiday approaches.

She said: “In terms of independence sales, they're actually picking up and I'm thinking it's probably because we're running a sale on the 50th logo shirts. They are $25 now VAT included.

“We've had you know, slow periods, but now that it's getting closer, it's definitely picking up. I think people are catching the fever.”

Mr Strachan said as Beyond Flags carries Independence-themed items all year long she still has inventory and they are extending their operation hours ahead of the holiday.

She said: “We’re selling all year-long. We don't just do this for Independence. Any time during the year, you're able to come into the store and purchase the same items that are available during the Independence period.

“Well, we still have shirts. We still have decorations, car flags, mirror covers, hood covers and headrest covers - we still have all those things, they can still come and get what they need.”


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