Tribune Staff Reporter
WORKS and Utilities Minister Alfred Sears said a “marked improvement” in New Providence roads should be soon observed as his ministry plans to increase pothole patching.
His comments came as a pothole on Shirley Street sparked numerous complaints. Some residents said the pothole was part of a sewer problem that caused delayed traffic.
A business owner in the area said yesterday that workers poured hot tar over the pothole, a temporary solution.
Mr Sears said ten contractors are expected to be engaged to address the vexing problem.
He said the contractors would supplement the ministry’s road patching unit with a “massive blitz” to fix potholes in the days and weeks ahead.
“This is the first time, madam speaker, in over four years that the ministry has been able to engage staff and obtain equipment to address the issue of potholes. I believe that the public will soon see a marked improvement in terms of safer and drivable roads,” he said in the House of Assembly yesterday.
Plans to begin the exercises follow months of rain activity, which Mr Sears said has hindered road repair efforts.
Mr Sears said his ministry would soon begin road repaving works on several roads, including South Beach community roads, portions of Windsor Field, Bay Street between East Street and the Old Bridge, the Eastern Road, Winton Highway, Woodlawn Way, East Street from Palm Tree Avenue to Robinson Road, East Street South, Tonique Darling Highway, Joe Farrington Road and others.
ThisIsOurs 1 year, 5 months ago
"This is the first time, madam speaker, in over four years that the ministry has been able to engage staff and obtain equipment to address the issue of potholes."
Tribune Nov 3 2022
"Sears said his ministry is commencing a blitz roadworks operation in various areas of New Providence, including The Grove, where a paving crew was present yesterday to patch potholes in the area of Fourth Street.
"With respect to New Providence we will be within the next several weeks, we will have a three-week blitz. We will engage additional contractors and the 12 zones, we will cover them and ensure that the potholes in New Providence are addressed,” he said.
"We will expand the capacity of the road paving crews within the ministry as well as with drainage crews so that we have a quick response in addition to the contractors. We also will bring in more inspectors through the various parts of New Providence to ensure the quality of work is up to the specification."
moncurcool 1 year, 5 months ago
So rather than properly fix the roads, the Minister is about patching the road?
Unbelievable .
ThisIsOurs 1 year, 5 months ago
Yup the same potholes he's fixing now he just fixed in November. Compare that to Ingraham road built 10 years ago and no potholes. There was the breech in a pipe that led to a collapse, I'm still wondering it the pipe breech was a result of the earthquake. It happened within a few days
realfreethinker 1 year, 5 months ago
Sears is way over his head. What a waste of portfolio. Geeeez
temptedbythefruitofanother 1 year, 5 months ago
In other news the tooth fairy will visit everyone later this week
stillwaters 1 year, 5 months ago
My biggest question is when is 'soon' ....which date is that? So many, many things this government is promising will be 'soon'...that very mysterious day.
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