Former PM Christie among region leaders seeking a Haitian-led solution to crisis

FORMER Prime Minister Perry Christie visited Haiti on Tuesday as part of a group trying to resolve the crisis gripping that country.

The visit was a follow-up to a stakeholders meeting held in Jamaica last June.

Former Saint Lucia Prime Minister Kenny Anthony and former Jamaican Prime Minister Bruce Golding joined Mr Christie.

The group wants to facilitate a Haitian-led solution to the country’s multiple crises.

A statement from CARICOM said: “The group was appointed by CARICOM Heads of Government last May to initiate and oversee the community’s provision of good offices support in designated priority areas, including security, governance, the electoral process, and long-term development planning and advocacy. They will also liaise with key international partners and agencies.

“During their three-day mission, the EPG will meet with groups who attended the Haitian Stakeholders Meeting held in Kingston, Jamaica, last June as well as stakeholders who were not at that meeting.

“In the interest of the people of Haiti, the EPG encourages all stakeholders to continue their efforts to engage in meaningful dialogue, in order that consensus may be achieved, in a constructive, timely and peaceful manner on the path forward.”


ThisIsOurs 1 year, 1 month ago

The Haitian problem is the love of money and corruption. Very similar to the Bahamas' problem.

It essentially means no matter the size of the investment or aid flowing into the country, the lions share is cut off by the gate keepers and their errand people. They then leave the community starved and blighted while selected segments tied to special interests emerge to look like the French Riviera. The cycle continues as these same people go around the world asking for more money to help the disadvantaged people

If you want to solve Haiti you have to solve corruption. The funneling of money to businesses owned by govt officials their associates and high powered businessmen

The interesting thing is this new structure set up by Caricom is also ripe for corruption as persons in the know seek to establish their own businesses to profit off of insider information on business opportunities

Seek transparency and elimination of well known techniques of corrupt actors

TalRussell 1 year, 1 month ago

...You also think that. ― Before Bahamaland should wants to travel to eradicate the funneling of money to businesses owned by elected and appointed officials and their significant others, civil servants and foreign business partners, ― Again, and.also like Bahamaland ― Comrade Christie, ― Going' have to jostle it out ― Amongst Haiti's high influence funnelers, ― As of yet, it would appears that our own powered influence funnelers.― Haven't turned to funding the supply of guns and bullets to prop-up their most purchasable ― Amongst the preferred politicians and Justice enforcers'.

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