NEW CLAIMS BY FNM OVER BELL BEHAVIOUR: ‘Permits given to people in custody and businesses without valid licences’

Immigration Minister Keith Bell and FNM leader Michael Pintard.

Immigration Minister Keith Bell and FNM leader Michael Pintard.


A HOST of irregularities under Immigration Minister Keith Bell have been alleged by FNM leader Michael Pintard - including work permits granted to arrested individuals who had made no application, for businesses that had no licence and interventions that led to concerns being raised by Immigration Director Keturah Ferguson.


Tribune News Editor


A HOST of irregularities under Immigration Minister Keith Bell have been alleged by FNM leader Michael Pintard - including work permits granted to arrested individuals who had made no application, for businesses that had no licence and interventions that led to concerns being raised by Immigration Director Keturah Ferguson. 

Ms Ferguson expressed deep disapproval when Keith Bell intervened to release Chinese nationals at the British Colonial Hilton in January, writing that such actions demoralised immigration officers and weakened authorities’ ability to prevent human trafficking.

“I find it very disconcerting when directives of this nature are continuously received,” she wrote in a letter to Ministry of Labour & Immigration Permanent Secretary Cecilia Strachan on January 18.

 Mr Pintard disclosed the letter during a press conference yesterday as the FNM amplified its scrutiny and criticism of the immigration minister.

 Mr Pintard revealed new instances of Mr Bell allegedly intervening to provide work permits to people in what he said were questionable circumstances.

 He said in one case, a woman’s work permit application was made when she was at the detention centre; not only was her application approved, but the fees for the years she worked without a permit were also waived.

 He said immigration officials have also disclosed numerous other violations to him, such as people getting approvals without being interviewed when an interview is required and employers getting approval for applications when they cannot financially sustain the employee.

“Approvals are granted to employers who, after investigation, stated that they did not submit the application that was on file, that the information was falsified,” he said.

 “Approvals are granted to individual employers who are listed as facilitators and had more than ten workers or work permits but have no business licence in most cases, or even when they have a business licence, they do not generate income to justify the need that they stated.

 “Approvals are granted to applicants and employers that do not meet the requirement.”

“Detainees are ordered to be released because the minister or some other ordered it to be so, and there are public servants who have been willing to put their reputation and career on the line by making this information and supporting information available.”

 Ms Ferguson’s letter said Mr Bell intervened in the Hilton matter at the request of Deputy Prime Minister Chester Cooper, the acting prime minister at the time.

 Mr Bell said last week that “it was determined” sending the Chinese nationals to the detention centre was unnecessary.

 Ms Ferguson’s letter to Ms Strachan, nonetheless, offers a rare glimpse into a conflict between a senior government official and a minister.

 Ms Ferguson noted an apprehension exercise happened on January 17 around 8pm.

 Immigration officials, according to the letter, were acting on information that a large group of Chinese nationals were being housed at the British Colonial Hotel. Of the 65 people found, only three produced documents proving their identity.

 “Directives were received from Minister Bell at about 2059hrs to have the immigration officers stand down on the operation and that any breach will be remedied on January 18 2023,” the letter said. “Minister Bell indicated that this request was made by Acting PM Cooper.”

 “While I am cognizant of the present economic climate and the lack of jobs for Bahamians, I find it very disconcerting when directives of this nature are continuously received. This type of action is demoralising to the immigration officers in particular, who are trying to do their jobs as mandated by law. Further, this is a security breach as we do not have any idea who the remaining 62 persons are nor how they entered our country. In addition, it begs the question of trafficking in persons may be a factor in this instance. It also appears that the expatriate has more rights in The Bahamas than Bahamians. Moreover, this is also a show of disrespect to the chair of director of immigration.”

 “To this end, I believe that a better outcome would have been realised if the officers were allowed to take the persons into custody on last evening and process the individuals so that we would have known who was in the group and possibly if anyone was being victimised or perhaps trafficked.”

 The Davis administration has taken a tough posture on work permits, with Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis saying in June that the government would crack down on granting them.

 However, Mr Pintard’s claims about Mr Bell’s intervention in work permit matters threatens to undermine the administration’s message.

 Mr Pintard said he knows Mr Bell intervened in the matters because the documents indicate “approved by minister”.

 “One case involves a lady who was applying for a work permit,” he said. “The work permit expired in 2019. As a result, that individual was arrested because there was no application for renewal at the time. The application for renewal was submitted after they were arrested and detained at the detention centre. The work permit was allegedly approved during 2022 and would cover the period for 2022 to 2023 and the outstanding fees that were due for the previous period were waived.”

 Mr Pintard said another case involved a woman scheduled to be deported.

 “The work permit was approved while she was at the detention centre,” he said. “The third case, the individual was intercepted on a boat attempting to smuggle its way into the USA. They were charged and convicted and placed on the restricted list, and despite all of these facts, that particular person was approved for a work permit.

 “The next person, whose nationality is not Caribbean, was reportedly approved for a work permit while detained once again in the detention centre. The next individual, who is from the Caribbean, was arrested by immigration officers on October 11, 2022 for overstaying, was deported on October 16, 2022. The application was submitted –– that is for their work permit –– on October 13, 2022, while they were detained in the detention centre. Nobody could access them in order to get their signature on the application or for them to pay any fees. But this is the issue, they were approved for permit on the day of or after they were deported.”

 Neither Mr Bell nor the Davis administration’s communications representatives responded to questions about the matters before press time yesterday.


birdiestrachan 1 year, 7 months ago

If true Mr Bell has a lot of explaining to do it is to bad mrs Ferguson did not if she was there take this same position when Mr Symonette made his law, ,

All Imigration laws must be obeyed by all governments .

birdiestrachan 1 year, 7 months ago

Who is giving information to Mr Pintard , is it ms strachan or mrs Ferguson ? .are they suppose to that are they FNM supports and they are trying to help their leader, it does not seem right all of these leaks to Mr Pintard

JokeyJack 1 year, 7 months ago

Yes, you of course dont want any truth to come out about PLP Birdie even if Bahamian children going to bed hungry cause their parents can't find work. Are you a Bahamian or a PLP?

JackArawak 1 year, 7 months ago

same old same old. it's so old it's tiresome; the government's lack of accountability. The secrecy, the corruption, the cronyism, sigh. And the violence meted out by our law enforcement officers. I don't like American cops but I'm terrified of the Bahamian ones. Kurt Corrnish, where you is?

TalRussell 1 year, 7 months ago

Oh yes it is, oh no it can't be so, after a deeply entrenched source, says,: --- The Premiership of Philip "Brave" Davis, will be forced into reshuffling his cabinet, after the House-elected MP, ---- This very morning, if he did, --- 'Officially sounded the By Election campaign cow bells for the retention of the Carmichael constituency House-seat.'

birdiestrachan 1 year, 7 months ago

This is probably done but at the end it is political their papa did tell them the PLP will make a mistake and then they will win, while folks go after the crumbs other people take the whole loaf pay attention to the cruise and shipping port the post office the FNM do not consider the poor, those FNM in immigration giving Mr Pintard information remember toggie and boggie that is PINTARD!

M0J0 1 year, 7 months ago

quite fishy how confidential information is being leaked, some of these dates are under previous and cannot be determined if they were not simply backlogged and approve prior.

M0J0 1 year, 7 months ago

sometimes Pintard just loves to have something to say, and sometimes making him and his party look very stupid in the process with lack of investigation and just being quick to run and talk.

JokeyJack 1 year, 7 months ago

This been going on for decades. Only cause Lincoln bring up issues now people waking up.

TalRussell 1 year, 7 months ago

Oh yes, it's interesting, isn't it, the earth's Bahamaland's political climate is on fire, when our House-elected are dropping from heat stroke. --- Just like Bahamaland --- Getting all excited over inviting, --- No more 'cabinet privacy' --- craziness.

ExposedU2C 1 year, 7 months ago

Pintard is just blowing hot air for showmanship. He knows full well that Bell, like every member of parliament, is only answerable to the CCP reps at the Chinese Embassy in Nassau, not the Bahamian people.

And the situation would be no different if we had an FNM government. The political leadership of both the PLP and FNM were long ago "purchased" by the CCP. Our nation has been controlled by the CCP ever since the national sports stadium was built in Windsor Field.

Sickened 1 year, 7 months ago

Every time the PLP get elected it seems like someone else running the show from the background. In the 80's it was the Columbians pulling the strings, under Perry it was the numbers boyz. Now the CCP. At least when the FNM in power you know that it's Bahamians with deep pockets running tings.

SP 1 year, 7 months ago

"It also appears that the expatriate has more rights in The Bahamas than Bahamians"....Nothing new here. PLP and FNM couldn't give a damn about Bahamians! All they care about is Haitians!

The Davis administration has taken a tough posture on work permits, with Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis saying in June that the government would crack down on granting them.

Davis is typical of our politicians making grandstand press statements to appease anyone stupid enough to believe them, then secretly doing the exact opposite of what was said behind the people's backs.

ThisIsOurs 1 year, 7 months ago

They could show more care for Bahamians, but showing care for Haitian nationals is what they should do. Most people, "most", are familiar with the good samaritan and think of him as a great person to have helped the traveler in need when noone else did.

The irony of that story is the Samaritan is someone everyone would have spit on because he was "Samaritan" and the lowest of the low class by society, the traveler in need was the same status as the people who passed by without helping, some most likely knew him personally. The Samaritan ironically was what we expect human to be.

Haitians Chinese Russians Czechs shouldnt come here illegally, if they do they should be subject to what the law prescribes but not mistreatment, they're all people just like our mothers and fathers, sons and daughters

ThisIsOurs 1 year, 7 months ago

The real problem in all of this is the corruption aid that politicians have for decades included in every law: ~"at the discretion of the minister"

Every country probably has a similar break glass in case of emergency power. The problem here is the power is used indiscriminately, randomly, irresponsibly, nontransparently and much too often for personal gain and stupidity. We must start electing HONEST ETHICAL COMPETENT THINKING people to parliament. No law maker in their right mind would expect an immigration minister to ok a prisoner getting married in jail, because he has the "legal authority to allow it". Here we often hear, "well the law doesnt say he cant... so".

We run a stupid nation. It only takes 10 in power to do so. Every tourist, the EU, the smugglers, Nygard, Sam, the Chinese, they all know it.

As I said before Bell will be allowed to survive (because it looks like he's the patsy), until he's embroiled in the irrecoverable embarrassment for the govt

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