PRIME Minister Philip "Brave" Davis has released the following statement concerning the Department of Immigration:
First, let me say that public trust in the enforcement of our immigration laws is not just important to me but essential. I want to be absolutely clear about that.
As you know, the Opposition raised some questions in Parliament, and the Department of Immigration is releasing a statement to address those questions.
It is my understanding that, in many instances, the Opposition’s questions were based on wrong and inaccurate information.
As an important aside, I want everyone to understand that when civil servants share the names and personal details of individuals from files in the custody of their department, they are in violation of the law, and they have breached the public trust. People who share their private information with the Government of The Bahamas, in departments across our Ministries should be able to do so with confidence that they will not find their names being shouted at press conferences or thrown around to score political points.
Let’s return, at this moment, to immigration.
It is fundamentally important that Bahamians have confidence that every immigration matter is handled fairly, in accordance with the law, and in the best interest of The Bahamas and the Bahamian people.
There has always been a substantial amount of discretion in the enforcement of immigration laws in our country and in other countries in the Westminster system. There are practical reasons for that, including the need for flexibility to respond to unique or complex situations and the need to respond to new and changing circumstances without requiring constant legislative changes. And, of course, that discretion operates within a system of checks and balances to promote fairness and due process.
But just because a system has always operated a particular way doesn’t mean it can’t be strengthened or improved. As you have heard me say on many occasions, I didn’t come here to defend the status quo, I came here to change it. When there are ways to improve governance, we are going to modernize the system instead of maintaining it.
You saw that earlier today, with the historic introduction of legislation to make our Parliament an independent branch of government, which will increase accountability and strengthen the representation of the people.
I have had a lot of conversations with Bahamians in recent weeks about immigration – and I want to let you know that I hear you. I hear your concerns about how things work in this country and intend to address them.
I am announcing today that we will undertake a comprehensive review of the checks and balances regarding how immigration decisions are made, with a view to strengthening them.
Every Bahamian deserves to have confidence that the rules promote efficiency, fairness, and accountability to the greatest extent possible.
ThisIsOurs 1 year, 7 months ago
As I said on Monday, we run a stupid nation.
"The real problem in all of this is the corruption aid that politicians have for decades included in every law: ~"at the discretion of the minister"
They want the public to believe that any minister can do what he feels like doing because he can act on case by case discretion? Whats to stop a minister from accepting 10,000 dollars for this off the books, outside policy norms "discretion". And in this situation, someone who exercises such historically abysmal decisions as Mr Bell is allowed to go rogue?
Every country probably has a similar break glass in case of emergency power. The problem here is the power is used indiscriminately, randomly, irresponsibly, nontransparently and much too often for personal gain and stupidity. We must start electing HONEST ETHICAL COMPETENT THINKING people to parliament. No law maker in their right mind would expect an immigration minister to ok a prisoner getting married in jail, because he has the "legal authority to allow it". Here we often hear, "well the law doesnt say he cant... so".
We run a stupid nation. It only takes 10 in power to do so. Every tourist, the EU, the smugglers, Nygard, Sam, the Chinese, they all know it.
As I said before Bell will be allowed to survive (because it looks like he's the patsy), until he's embroiled in the irrecoverable embarrassment for the govt
ThisIsOurs 1 year, 7 months ago
The reason Bell isnt speaking is clear. He either incriminates himself or Chester Cooper. One of them did not tell the truth. And Chester Cooper doubled down on never giving a response to Bell. Whats Bell to do? No minister of the govt can reasonably tell the public Im not speaking to give any clarity on a matter, think what you want.
Meanwhile Kirk Cornish and Adrian Gibson sitting in there with Bell and Cooper, everybody pointing at everybody else saying, well, they didnt have to leave
stillwaters 1 year, 7 months ago
Another promise added to that mysterious day called 'soon'..
ThisIsOurs 1 year, 7 months ago
No no no, an employer cannot hold the identity documents of an immigrant worker. You are setting up a classic slave labour environment. Because now you in a strange land and you cant leave. And either Bell or Cooper allegedly facilitated this???
Can a citizenry go to the world court?
SP 1 year, 7 months ago
PM pledges to strengthen immigration process...AGAIN!
Davis is better than the typical sweet mouth politician. This guy is a master of deception and straight-out bullshyt.
It is 2023, we have always had a systemically corrupt immigration system from top to bottom regardless of the PLP or FNM being in power.
All we get is lip service from our self-serving, so-called "leaders" and more of the same continues unabated. If there was even minimum transparency in government I'll bet Bahamians would be totally mortified at what is happening with the Department of Immigration and the humongous negative impact on the lives and well-being of our people and country.
The Immigration problem is not "one step forward, and two steps backward. It is all steps backward, twists, turn, dodge, crisscross, slide to left, cha-cha, and carry on with the treasonous policies of predecessors to the detriment of the nation.
The county is inundated with foreigners doing jobs unemployed, and suffering, Bahamians can do.
LOOK AROUND. There is, and never was any "public's trust" in Immigration!
themessenger 1 year, 7 months ago
More horse apples straight from the horse's ass, come quick Birdie help yourself, they're fresh, still steaming and best of all free to all PLP's.
TalRussell 1 year, 7 months ago
Comrade, which is the more deserving winner of the most coveted trophy? --- Was it won for. --- 'The swearing-in of citizenship, before a dead witness?' --- Or was it,--- The for the propping up in a chair during a viewing with the remains of the Bahamian fashion designer from the House of St John?' --- Not even possible to have just made this up.
realfreethinker 1 year, 7 months ago
Certified bullshit. I guess Bell know the bodies are buried. This shit will come back to bite Bwave in the ass. We ae so F..ked. Circle the wagon. If this the best the PM can do we are so screwed. F''k brave f..k this gov.
FreeportFreddy 1 year, 7 months ago
Time for non confidence motion in this total failure of PLP!
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