Gated roads

EDITOR, The Tribune.

I note with interest The number of public roads throughout New Providence, where person(s)have taken upon themselves to install electronic gates, ie, gated communities wanna-be, at the entrance.

This has to be illegal. Firstly, these roads are public and should at all times be accessible.

Secondly, I call upon the Ministry of Public Works to investigate these matters and do the right thing. Take down these gates. In addition the tax-payer is paying for the maintenance and pavement of these roads. And to cover the electricity cost to BPL for streetlights.

Scattered throughout New Providence, I have identified anywhere from 10 to 12 public roads where gates have been erected at the entrance to public roads.

Immediately I can think of three roads. One, on Blake Road, two on West Bay Street and a third one further west on West Bay Street.

I immediately call on the Ministry responsible to correct this problem and make the necessary change.



July 25, 2023.


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