Prayers on the road to 50 years

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Please allow me to express my observation on my experience during the Nation’s “Call To Prayer” during this “Road To 50” celebration.

Congratulations to the Bahamas as we celebrate the Road to Fifty. However, I wonder, are we really a “Christian Nation”? The Secretariat, Honourable Leslia Miller Brice and her dedicated committee have done a marvelous job in outlining the events that will lead up to July 10th 2023, the fiftieth anniversary of our independence.

So far there was a very impressive number of persons in attendance at each event. However, On Sunday, 21st May 2023, the Christians forgot to join together to pray to God for the needs of our land. Previously, there were people complaining about the state of our country and how God would bless this country, but when given the opportunity to renew their relationship with the same God who has kept us all these years, they forgot the date.

Is there any wonder that our children are going astray or that the crime rate continues to rise in our country? According to the book of Acts in the Bible, the Apostles were first called “Christians” in Antioch because of how they resembled Jesus, not because they called themselves Christians. Are we in this “Christian country” really portraying Christ? You be the judge!

In 2 Chronicles 7:14 it is stated that “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”

Get it right Bahamians! Our children can read hypocrisy even in the dark. Practice what you preach. If we are a Christian country, let us act that way. Get back to basics. Serve God completely and train your household after you and help the country to thrive.

On Sunday, the church was half empty. With all of the mega churches and the huge number of persons claiming to be Christians in Nassau alone, I wonder why they failed to support the call to prayer.

Moreover, there is so much talk on a statement made by Pastor Rex Major. If the Christians would live up to what they profess, the term “Marital Rape“ would not soar over the headlines. As a Bahamian and a Christian I would like to see the Christians live up to what they profess. God is depending on all of us. We are all too eager to cast blame and find fault. Are we indeed a Christian Nation as stated in our Constitution? Let Us Live It. God Bless The Bahamas.



May 25, 2023.


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