Metrology Lab strengthens Bahamas Standards Bureau


Tribune Staff Reporter


THE Bahamas Bureau of Standards and Quality (BBSQ) hosted the 2023 Bahamas National Quality Policy Re-Engagement Forum yesterday, introducing a new mass metrology lab.

The forum was held at Breezes under the theme “Strengthening the National Quality Infrastructure” through enhanced standards and metrology services.

Metrology is the scientific study of measurement.

Business leaders and legislative stakeholders discussed the bureau’s new mass metrology lab. The lab was made possible through the 11th European Development Fund funds and the CARICOM Single Market Economy Standby Facility project.

Officials of the Bureau stressed the need for continuous improvement to national quality infrastructures, adding it would prepare more local goods and services for global trade.

Minister of Economic Affairs Michael Halkitis highlighted the bureau’s work.

“Through the establishment of BBSQ, we have begun to lay the necessary framework to enhance competitiveness and provide access to new and emerging markets for Bahamians,” he said. “Ultimately, our work continues as we improve upon the standards and quality of goods and services exported, thus allowing for the promotion of fair trade, industry best practices, and the overall protection of the consumer against unsafe products.”


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