Tribune Staff Reporter
NATIONAL Security Minister Wayne Munroe argued yesterday that the Davis administration has raised the level of recruitment numbers, blasting the Minnis administration's past efforts.
Mr Munroe made these observations during his Budget debate contribution in the House of Assembly, stressing the importance of human capital for officers to be able to serve the public effectively.
He added that when the Davis administration came into office, they were advised by the former Commissioner of Police that some police stations were understaffed.
Mr Munroe said in the four and a half years of the Minnis administration’s tenure only 404 Royal Bahamas police officers were recruited. He pointed out the Davis administration has recruited 459 police officers in 20 months.
“We have recruited 54 more police officers in 20 months than they did in four and a half years,” Mr Munroe said.
Mr Munroe also noted the Royal Bahamas Defence Force recruitments.
“With regard to the Royal Bahamas Defence Force, in four and a half years they recruited 267 Marines. In 20 months, we have recruited 316 Marines.”
Mr Munroe then noted the increase in recruitments by the Davis administration in the Bahamas Department of Corrections.
“With regard to The Bahamas Department of Corrections in four and a half years, the previous administration recruited 134 correctional officers in 24 months - we have recruited 205.”
He added: “Human capital is very important. And so it wasn't a mystery that you have police officers, defence force officers, marines, and correctional officers having a year and a half vacation towards the end of their tenure.
“And so, the facts speak for themselves in addressing our national security strategy. We recognise that human capital is the most important thing. And so, we've moved with dispatch to address the human resource needs of the three agencies under the purview of the Ministry of National Security.”
In September 2022, while noting that his ministry has embarked on an “aggressive” recruitment exercise to beef up manpower in the law enforcement community, National Security Minister Wayne Munroe said plans are underway to recruit even more people to several key agencies under his remit.
They include the Royal Bahamas Police Force, the Royal Bahamas Defence Force and the Bahamas Department of Correctional Services.
“We have been with the concurrence of the Minister of Finance, the Prime Minister, able to run an aggressive recruitment,” he told reporters previously.
“Since taking the chair, we have recruited two squads into every law enforcement agency. Currently, the Royal Bahamas Defence Force is gearing up to recruit a squad. BDCS is gearing up to recruit a squad and the police are gearing up to recruit a squad. So, the recruitment continues in order to replace the manpower we lose by attrition and to make up for some of the deficiencies we met in place.”
ExposedU2C 1 year, 6 months ago
Only illegal Haitians and their illegal offspring born in The Bahamas need apply to the RBPF or RBDF.
bahamianson 1 year, 6 months ago
Yeah, increasing the numbers while lowering the standard because ,in reality, a number of the highschoolers are unemployable.
realfreethinker 1 year, 6 months ago
DillyTree 1 year, 6 months ago
Perhaps even consider recruiting abroad -- quality candidates and will recude nepotism and maintain a distance between the public and the police/marines. This worked before when the Bahamas had police from other Caribbean nations.
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