‘They going to pay for that’ says family of mom shot by police


Tribune Staff Reporter


THE family of the 27-year-old mother who was reportedly injured in a police shooting while breastfeeding on Sunday intends to pursue legal action.

“Oh yeah, baby, they going to pay for that,” said the cousin of the victim, who requested anonymity. “That uniform what they are wearing, they will learn how to respect that uniform.”

It is reported that shortly before noon on Sunday in the area of Sunset Park, police were executing a search warrant on a home. As officers entered the property, a pit bull reportedly attempted to attack them and was subsequently shot.

During the incident, the woman - who was said by police to frequent the property - was shot in her upper body. Officers said the ammunition ricocheted off the pit bull.

 However, relatives are disputing the police’s record of events, suggesting negligence.

 The relative, who also resides in the home, told this newspaper: “When the officers came to the yard, they stand at the gate and the first thing they did instead of saying ‘we have a search warrant for so and so’ or whatever the case might be, what they did was stick their gun straight through the gate, shoot at the dog and then shoot at the girl,” he said yesterday.

“That’s out of order, you can’t do that. Then you are shooting through the gate and people inside their yard, no man, they all the wrong. I don’t care what they do or how much they try to cover it up, they are in all the wrong because there is no gun in that yard.”

 The relative said the victim, a mother of two, is in critical condition following emergency surgery.

 The cousin insisted that police failed to communicate, adding that they “shot first and asked questions later” as three shots were allegedly fired by police.

 He questioned the intentions of the police, highlighting the misconduct on their behalf.

 “I tell them if they going to do their job, they have to do it the right way because it’s a right way and it’s a wrong way.

 “The police’s job is to protect and serve, not to go around and take advantage of people and do them in. They are very disrespectful, they don’t have any respect for humans, you understand me? They let the uniform trick them and that’s so sad.”

 In response to the matter, National Security Minister Wayne Munroe said police are required to make judgment calls when executing search warrants.

“The police have to make a judgment whether they can safely enter premises where they can be fired upon and how they will enter those premises,” Mr Munroe told reporters yesterday.

 “If they confront the premises with a lot of locked gates and pit bulls, they might make a judgement that may not be accurate, but they make a judgement then they act if they prove to be inaccurate in their assessment and then the state makes it correct and repairing the property.”

 While acknowledging the tragic events, Mr Munroe defended the police’s process and handling of events.

 However, relatives expressed their dissatisfaction, demanding the powers that be are held accountable.

 “All I want to say is that they need to do their job the right way, their job is to protect and serve not to go around and take advantage of people and go shooting in anybody’s yard,” he said yesterday.

 He said the family is shaken up, particularly as they have buried a loved one in recent weeks.


mandela 1 year, 4 months ago

Mr. Munroe, you are so wrong in your defense of the police, and a hypocrite also, this is supposed to be a first-world country, and the judgment that you defend and claim the police had to make is foolishness, in other words, Mr. Munroe is stating that the citizens have not rights and the police can approach the very people who pay them in any way they feel and don't have to be accountable. If he was still practicing law he would be the first one trying to get the job to sue the government on behalf of this breastfeeding mother. A hypocrite.

themessenger 1 year, 4 months ago

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