Pride and turmoil

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Pride Month finds us in turmoil once again, not with peaceful minds, and a universal acceptance of humanity's equality before God and State, but divided by social-religious-economic lines. The Christian Right flows across North America and Africa as well, preaching its sermon of biblical intolerance, standing against the rights of womanhood, sexual rights and freedoms of those of us that maybe different in colour, sexual preference, political ideology or social status. Right Wing Legislators in Florida, Texas and Southern US attempt or have passed laws limiting services to a large sector of their populations, and have come to ignore people’s diversity, uniqueness and Federal Constitutional protected rights. Voting limitations directed towards blacks and members of the pride rainbow are found in Southern US States. It‘s like the old days where communities were ruled by southern men with prejudiced righteous attitudes. I would not be surprised if the KKK horde will ride into Montgomery, Austin or Miami soon.

One of this movement's leaders is running for the Republican Party Leadership (Ron DeSantis) while "The Trump" is continuing his pilgrimage return to power next year. Governors, Aldermen, City Councilors, Congress and Senatorial members support this Religious Right Wing Folly, not because its right, but because it could bring them fortune, fame and power. President Biden and Kamila Harris (VP) stand against this movement, but the odds are very much against them. His age and health are a factor, while Vice President Harris may not have the chutzpah to win the election.

Retail and Corporate firms show their pride - respect and support only to be attacked by the Christian Right. Protest against firms that honour our constitutional values, eh? In Toronto, Catholic school boards refuse to raise Pride Flags, stating that God loves everyone, but being a member of the LGBTQ+ Community is morally wrong, as same sex functionally is a sin. School boards, PTAs, and communities across North America are struggling amongst themselves trying to find a peaceful commonality, all the while right wing antagonists pressure churches, social clubs and organisations to confront any form of progressive thought whether it be religious, political or social in nature.

If The Trudeau Liberals lose the next election and Pierre Poilievre's Conservatives win a majority, will Canada fall into the hypocritical hands of right wing antagonists determined to crush any form of progressive governmental service provided presently. Yah, I am talking about changes or an end to affirmative action, abortion rights, equal pay initiatives, and even end or stall payments promised to the indigenous. The emotions elicited by Religion of most faiths can become politicalise, with fundamentalist attitudes of all faiths empowered. Whoever thought of uniting religious and political into a singular force of power was both ingenious and probably a Conservative, uniting the powers of emotion with practical self empowerment.

The enemies of progressiveness, love everything about themselves, even the unacceptable. To achieve Power for their God and themselves are the goals of these antagonists, progressiveness face today.


Bradford, Ontario

June 10, 2023


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