Man convicted of sleeping with a 14-year-old girl awaits sentencing


Tribune Court Reporter


A MAN convicted of sleeping with an underaged girl will be sentenced later this month.

Walter Gray, 29, represented by Walter Bain, stood before Justice Cheryl Grant Thompson for a sentencing hearing for his unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor.

During his latest court appearance, Gray’s probation officer Kishlyne Bain recounted the details of his case.

She indicated to the court that the convict used to frequently babysit the minor and was trusted by her family. She said there was an incident of oral sex when the complainant was 13 years old, and sexual intercourse in 2020 when she was 14 years old.

Once the complainant’s mother discovered the sexual relationship between Gray and her daughter, she pursued legal action against him.

The probation officer said that the defendant’s family believes him innocent of the offence and is hopeful that the court issues a lenient sentence. It was also stated that the convict’s employers believed he was a good worker and were shocked to hear about his conviction.

However, Ms Bain also said the complainant found the trial draining. She went on to recount how the complainant’s mother said that Gray did not appear remorseful for what he had done nor had he apologised to them for his actions.

The court heard that the complainant’s mother said that her family was stressed and distraught by the trial, and she expressed her and her daughter’s wishes for justice to be carried out.

Prosecutor Erica Duncombe-Ingraham revealed that the accused had prior charges, including one for indecent assault and drug possession.

In view of this, Justice Grant Thompson deferred Gray’s sentence hearing to March 22.

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