Man charged in Gambier Heights murder being held without bail


Tribune Court Reporter


A MAN was charged yesterday with murder in connection with the shooting of a man in Gambier Heights early last month.

It is alleged that Jadre “Mice” Evans, 27, shot and killed Desmond “Strap” Smith outside a Gambier Heights business around 11pm on February 5.

According to police reports the 39-year-old victim was found lying on the ground suffering from multiple gunshot wounds. Smith was pronounced dead at the scene by Emergency Medical Services.

A video reportedly of this incident had circulated on social media last month.

As this is an indictable offence, Evans was not required to enter a plea before Assistant Chief Magistrate Subusola Swain yesterday. He was informed that his matter would proceed to the Supreme Court by a voluntary bill of indictment (VBI).

The accused was also told that as it was not in the magistrate’s jurisdiction to grant bail, he had the right to apply for it through the higher court.

Until bail is granted Evans will be sent to the Bahamas Department of Correctional Services.

Evans’s VBI is expected to be served on May 2.

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