FNM: PLP ‘cherry-picking’ who is accused of crimes

FNM Leader Michael Pintard. Photo: FNM

FNM Leader Michael Pintard. Photo: FNM

FREE National Movement leader Michael Pintard accused the Davis administration of doing “everything to ensure” that its supporters who are accused of crimes “never come to court again” while alleging the government is targeting the opposition.

“They are investigating every single thing except themselves and even where they have some of their own folks already charged, in my view, they are doing everything to ensure those folks never ever come to court again,” the Marco City MP claimed. “Meanwhile they are searching in every nook and cranny to find some FNMs, the more influential, you are a target.”

He said he does not have a problem with investigations into alleged wrongdoing but added “we have a problem with you cherry picking who lives or dies”.

He also said the Progressive Liberal Party has one rule for itself and another for everyone else, claiming that the Davis administration has illegally withheld information about public spending.

His comments came as he spoke to FNM supporters at a Centreville constituency meeting last night.

“They go to Central Bank, they borrow from the reserves of Central Bank claiming it’s not really the Central Bank’s asset even though it is a part of the Central Bank’s assets,” Mr Pintard said, outlining one of several instances he said the government was not being forthright. “Only when they are discovered, they decide to say... we’re going to amend the law to say we are going to borrow this money which they have already borrowed and start to spend. Meanwhile, you have some relatives who are locked down in Fox Hill for similar action.”

Mr Pintard has previously said the government’s “breach of law” in borrowing $233m worth of IMF special drawing rights (SDRs) from the Central Bank sends “a bad signal” to the international financial markets.

Last night, Mr Pintard also took aim at Housing and Transport Minister JoBeth Coleby-Davis, who he referred to as “Lil Kim’s first cousin”, presumably referring to the American rapper.

“The Minister of Housing borrowed $20m, according to press reports. And we checked the law, we could not find in the Housing Act where she was empowered by law... to borrow this money,” he said.

The FNM has previously accused the government of carrying out a secret deal in relation to the borrowing for its flagship housing scheme.

Yesterday, Mr Pintard said the FNM believes the government acted illegally in this instance, adding there should be consequences.

He also referred to the controversy surrounding Mrs Coleby-Davis’ refusal to state how many taxi plates have been issued by her ministry since she assumed office.


birdiestrachan 2 years ago

Poor fellow has he forgotten Shane Gibson , Frank Smith the senior police officers Simon Wilson the list goes on, but not to worry the doc will get him,

BONEFISH 2 years ago

The FNM under Dr.Minnis is just like the PLP in that regard. There was no forensic audit done by them on the spending in the Junkanoo Carnival fiasco. I was told the FNM had to protect a certain person. That person is related tp a very prominent FNM party member.

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