Spin and more spin

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Since September 2021 we have witnessed an extraordinary level of political spin… the vocabulary we hear has gone way beyond normal understandable level and spin… have to ask how can a dual carriage-way have resilience?

Gladstone Road project will be guaranteed to never have potholes, never to have accidents, but speeds on the dual carriageway will increase by 15-20%… oh, secret weapon no uninsured and unlicensed vehicle will be allowed to drive on the new resilient highway.

Come off it, Ministers, you think we are all so gullible for this hocus-pocus?

What next… resilient Parliament? Financial disclosure of MPs? Of National Accounts and Tourism arrivals?

Lord, we all are going to be resilient. Can’t be vaccinated against these folks so go along with the New Day - resilience! If you don’t it will knock you over!

Truly - laughing at wee-self.



March 7, 2023.


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