Man jailed for having loaded gun


Tribune Court Reporter


A MAN from Andros was sentenced to two years in prison on Friday after he admitted to having a loaded gun on the Family Island.

Joe Barr, 35, appeared before Magistrate Kendra Kelly on a charge of possession of an unlicensed firearm and possession of ammunition.

On March 8 in North Andros, Barr was arrested after he was found with a black and silver coloured 9mm Springfield Armory pistol with the serial number erased. This same confiscated weapon was also found with five unfired rounds of 9mm ammunition.

In court the accused pleaded guilty to the charges. He was sentenced to serve two years at the Bahamas Department of Correctional Services.

Another man, Vandrick Smith, 32, also stood before Magistrate Kelly for charges of possession of an unlicensed firearm and possession of ammunition.

It is alleged that on March 7 on Wright’s Lane, New Providence the accused was found by authorities with a black Springfield Hellcat 9mm pistol with the serial number BA350904. It is further alleged that at the time of his arrest Smith was found with 13 unfired rounds of 9mm ammunition.

In court Smith pleaded not guilty to the offence. The accused was then granted $8,000 bail. Under the conditions of this bail the accused is expected to sign in at Alice Town Police Station in Bimini every Thursday by 7pm.

The trial in Smith’s matter is set for May 26.

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