Despite promises problems persist at Magrove Cay

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Greetings, I’m writing regarding a recent visit back home to Mangrove Cay, Andros.

Due to illness and the COVID virus it has been three years since we have been home.

I must say between the water and internet services nothing has changed. What a nightmare! Our home is on a hill. Can you imagine the drip of water we had the whole time. I would start a load of wash early in the morning about two hours later it may be finished. No way a shower is possible. It was a chore trying to catch enough water to bathe. The internet is up and down like a yoyo. We stuck it out, but I cannot imagine just how patience can run out for everyone.

What a state of affairs. Our neighbours said, oh we are supposed to be getting new pipes. I seem to remember at least three other water and sewage meetings held on Mangrove Cay. Persons from North, and Central Andros and Nassau coming to promise new pipes. These promises are at least six years old. Just when will it come to reality?

The next issue. We spoke to four young people from and raised on Mangrove Cay that had come home to live and work. Instead of being welcomed home with open arms people started picking them apart.

For example - Who does she/he think they are? Why did they get that job? Grumble, Grumble, criticise our young people go off to school and train to bring back knowledge to help build up home. We have had professional persons from MC in key positions with every entity government and private company. I always wondered why they don’t come home. After talking with the persons we met it becomes so sad and uncomfortable. They are run out of town, so to speak. Mangrove Cay needs its people to be welcomed home to build up the island. Are we scared, are we jealous, are we selfish? What is it?

Please stop sending your own people away, welcome them home. Embrace the knowledge and experience they bring to contribute to MC. Look at some other islands that are and have been growing, they have welcomed their young people back. My husband and I are older now, but we look around and feel sad to see after 36 years where have we come? Please think about what we have observed - try to change your mindset, be kind, be glad to see your family come home.

God bless the Bahamas and God bless Mangrove Cay.



Mangrove Cay,

March 23, 2023.


Flyingfish 1 year, 6 months ago

It is the governing bodies of yesterday who started this cycle of inefficiency and slackness that causes the youth to leave. Because said governing forces have not gone under any major reform from the 90s.

themessenger 1 year, 6 months ago

@flyingfish, I think what Mr & Mrs. Green were subtly referring to is that despicable old Bahamian custom known as Black Crab Syndrome, still thriving after 50 years of Majority rule. Bahamian ignorance and insecurity prominently on display.

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