What is true role of UN?

EDITOR, The Tribune.

After reading today’s Tribune edition, Monday May 1, 2023 and a story, the top story ‘Nation to answer over human rights,’ and how it suggests that the Government’s position on key issues will be under scrutiny by the UN Council.’

I have been following the demands, opinions, duress, threats made by the UNSC and its UNHCR, for decades now...this same body that is tasked with dispensing with these balanced principles, catering to the global peace security nation, but have they?

There was a point where an agent of the Council visited the Bahamas to discuss about the Bahamas Detention Centre on Carmichael Road, and alleged that the condition of that detention centre was below human standard, etc?

But you know, it is what we have, we are able to afford...and we didn’t ask them to come, so what you find here is what we have. You don’t have better in Haiti, Cuba, and/or Jamaica, what luxury do you want? You have built it then, Bahamian taxpayers feeding and securing you, is what we have, period?

The overall taste of her contribution was anything, but objective, as I recall this Creole heritage individual, we were convinced wasn’t here really based on a fact-finding mission, but one of intimidation, geared at threatening the Bahamas Government to either make repairs, or else? In my opinion this was the tenor of the duress made at the time, but why?

There was also an arranged US assembly in Miami agitating and attempting to embarrass the Bahamas and its people, but why?

Editor, your publication is not hearing these claims for the first time, you literally have secured those stories, articles in your vault for safekeeping, etc?

I have my concerns for small countries that were desirous of staying true to its country’s laws, when this group and others find it so convenient to try to trash the laws of small countries, using threats, duress and God knows what else to force change is unlawful anywhere where the true spirit of the Law is being practised.

I was so troubled by this that I sought a sidebar with Father God on the external threats being levied against The Bahamas, and by the UNSC who were supposed to be the upholders of the enforcement laws countries, but why not?

Here is what Father God had to say: ‘I have a problem with the United Nations Human Rights Organisation who were to bring a message of peace, global peace, but are sowing seeds of discord around the world. I gave nations upon the earth the right to organise, to have laws, and be able to enforce those laws.’

I never intended that a foreign group be able to tell nations how to regulate its people. I want them to stop interfering with the lawful right of countries to enforce their laws.

As for the UNHRO, they are merely trouble makers and support for wrong-doers, said God Almighty has spoken. I did not approve that body, and shall disband it sooner, than later, said God Most High has spoken. Check their record, and you will soon see that every side that they err on the side of, were contrary to the maintenance of law and order the absolute right of nations to govern their own affairs? Lord, your words are forever settled in the Heavens, hallelujah, amen.

It cannot be right to apply more pressure on the potential receiving nation, than on the perpetrator countries? Which is the method of operation that the UNSC has deployed for decades. If they would like to dispense, and protect peace, they should not go about creating enemies, and global discontent?

Finally, a short note to the Attorney General of the Bahamas Senator Ryan Pinder. Sir, never mind what they try to tell you at that Forum in Europe, because you are not Father God, you are not the one that enacted a democratic form of government, nor are you the one that compiled the Bahamas’ Constitution, and so you are only there out of the goodness of your heart, not obligated to attend, their one-sided affair. And if there was a need to change the Constitution, would have to consult the Bahamian electorates in a referendum, is this how the law behaves, no other way, otherwise?

Now I saw where the UN has demanded that the Commonwealth of The Bahamas give asylum to seekers of this designation, but why?

All of these minute questions they have for The Bahamas...but aren’t there more pressing global matters happening in the world? Like the Russian Federation’s invasion of Ukraine and the hundreds of thousands of citizens being slaughtered?

Right in the US for the UNSC, the invasion of the US southern border, etc? The scores Of school age children being slaughtered in their classrooms - in American schools, China operating in the Southern Pacific, Iran on the nuclear issue, North Korea’s intention to bomb the US, etc?

Shouldn’t this be a right of countries, after interviewing the candidates, to qualify would have to acquire a certain category of facts?



May 1, 2023.


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