By Leandra Rolle
Tribune Staff Reporter
A TOP human rights expert said she is hard-pressed to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Bahamian independence given the constitutional inequalities between men and women and the government’s failure to adequately protect women from violence.
The comments of Marion Bethel, the vice chairperson and rapporteur of the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), came in response to Evangelist Rex Major, who lamented efforts to criminalise marital rape during a national church service on Sunday.
Mrs Bethel said Mr Major displayed an “appalling disregard for the dignity and sensibility of Bahamian women”, adding that he appeared not to understand the topic.
“I was very disturbed to read Evangelist Major’s ill-conceived and harmful remarks about the grave issue of rape within marriage,” Mrs Bethel told The Tribune. “He should not have used the occasion of the celebration of the 50th anniversary of independence as a soapbox for his rant against women in The Bahamas.”
“He demonstrated not an iota of theological, pastoral, or humanist understanding of the issue of rape within marriage.
“Mr Major used the national platform to rant against women as liars and to speak directly to the government and nation about his opposition to the criminalisation of rape within marriage. Truth be told, it appears that he could have saved his breath because successive governments have presented poor and weak leadership in advancing this issue to its final conclusion.”
Prime Minister Phillip “Brave” Davis and many senior government leaders looked on as Pastor Major questioned how spouses would prove marital rape and said some women would use rape claims only to end their marriage.
He shouted: “People lie!”
“This is emblematic of governments paying only lip service to this issue of protecting the right of Bahamian women to live a life free from gender-based violence in our homes, our churches, our workplaces, on our streets,” Mrs Bethel said.
“We still have a constitution that denies us equal rights with men to pass on our nationality to our children and spouses. I am hard-pressed to celebrate during this 50th anniversary.”
Meanwhile, Equality Bahamas Director Alicia Wallace said the government is shirking its responsibility to criminalise marital rape.
The government, she said, has already shifted focus to the gender-based violence bill.
“It appears that the intent is to push the GBV bill through and leave the marital rape bill to languish,” she said. “Maybe they think the GBV bill will pacify us, so we will be clear. Equality Bahamas will not be pacified or silenced. If the GBV bill looks like it did years ago, or is even weaker, and if it fails to use ‘gender-based violence’ in its title and substance, the government is incorrect if it has assumed that it will be an easy win. We are demanding progress, not minimal effort in checking boxes.”
mandela 1 year, 6 months ago
Although I think Mr. Major was speaking some facts, he should not have used the 50th celebration church service to voice his opinion and just stick to the reason a church service was being held.
bahamianson 1 year, 6 months ago
Ahh, get over it. He said it in context. He was talking about a particular situation , rape in marriage. He was saying that some people lie. Stop being drama people and try to find out facts , first. We always have court trials in the public forum. Responsible individuals would say, "I was not there , so I do not know the context it was said". It is irresponsible for her to comment , if she was not there and did not know the context.
ThisIsOurs 1 year, 6 months ago
He sounded like a caveman. "some people is lie". Do you know how long rape victims have been fighting to have people listen to their claims because "is her wotd against his"? This is a man who is supposed to function as a councillor. What does he tell real live rape victims? Get over it because noone guh believe you? Rape rarely happens in front of the media or with witnesses around
moncurcool 1 year, 6 months ago
These self called human rights people always have a one sided view of the issue, and it is a feminist view and not a human rights view. If it was a human rights view, then they would speak of ending the violence against women AND men.
Sickened 1 year, 6 months ago
And priests don't have a one sided view? They spout fictional bible stories as a defense - how gullible can some people be???
moncurcool 1 year, 6 months ago
My point pertains to human rights persons.
Let's speak to that issue first.
The larger point, even in religion, is that every one should have a balance view. While I may not agree with your view, at least it should be balanced.
hrysippus 1 year, 6 months ago
If this church person gets rewarded by the PLP government within the next year or so with a comfortable government appointment complete with generous ubfunded pension and,or with the awarding of a King's honour, (OBE?} then inquiring minds may be led to the conclusion that this entertainer was singing for supper by doing his Earthly master's bidding. We have seen this scenario played out beore.
moncurcool 1 year, 6 months ago
Come one, don't thing that one is called for. Anyone who knows Rex Major through the years, whether you agree with what he said or not, knows that he has never been influenced by any political party or bowed to them.
TalRussell 1 year, 6 months ago
Even if it becomes a crime in the Bahamas to sexually assault one's spouse ... Marital rape will still not automatically become decriminalized in mindset spouses, judges, juries, clergy, politicans', government officials', policemans' and popoulaces'. ---- Generations Comrade Rev Rex's religious myths will live-on to be used to justify immunity from successful prosecution of these kinds of cases. ... Comrade Rev Rex ---never touched on -- the VIOLENCE --- Associated Martial rape. --- No. Yes?
birdiestrachan 1 year, 6 months ago
What are these women who want this bill passed doing for these women , besides talking I am with the reverand on this one, remember there may be children included in this matter they are important also, seperate get a divorce and do not have your bedroom business in the street
Bobsyeruncle 1 year, 6 months ago
So they need to get raped first, before they decide to separate and get a divorce? Something is wrong with the order of things in that picture.
birdiestrachan 1 year, 6 months ago
Ms Bethel does not have to celebrate independence others will, she expressed her oponion and he expressed his but some how she seems to think she is more learned than he, he is married and a long time pastor I am sure he has council more married people than she ever will
rosiepi 1 year, 6 months ago
Sure he has. And he counseled wives to go back to their violent spouses! How can any woman, let alone Ms Bethel celebrate an “independence” that doesn’t include the rights of Bahamian women?
sheeprunner12 1 year, 6 months ago
Her husband admitted that he was raped ............ Maybe she raped him too. Such unChristian things happen in this Christian nation.
But a real Jesus-led Christian husband cannot rape his Christian wife, and a real Christian wife will not lie on her real Christian husband ............. therefore, Marion Bethell (who is really a Sears by marriage) needs to address this marital rape issue with the audience that Bro. Rex was addressing in his sermon (the unChristian spouses). They are the ones that need this United Nations humanist law in place.
Sickened 1 year, 6 months ago
For all you supporters of marital rape could you at least state for the record that a man should NEVER forcefully have sex with his wife??? Or do you believe that holding down your wife and sticking your penis into her is okay - fun even?
carltonr61 1 year, 6 months ago
Married - rape is an oxymoron.
carltonr61 1 year, 6 months ago
And this whole UN Agenda sprouted from one instance concerning a separated couple somewhere in Europe. Somehow they communicated and met. The husband, lonely longing for her love and missing her dearly engaged begged why she had left or was it just a lie that he was her dream mate from heaven. Be careful when women say they love you BS. They does lie even keep your DNA in the freezer to give you a criminal record as international rapist then unable to travel, where a tracking bracelet, criminalized in a database, shamed and scorned by the woman who sleeps naked with you. They seek medical help to abort their own. Judge another woman's child her husband. About four years ago while conversing with the neighborhood gofor I learnt that the gentleman in coat suit my camera picked up dating from front yard to front yard dodging while on his cellphone was actually a husband who was caught again while with his wife who lived with her hubby. Man I miss The Punch. But those European 7 rich nations trying to impose their gay agenda on the world. Thank God for BRICS nations whose population makes up 80% of the world. They see the UN as the rubberstamp of Western Satanism and decadence worst than Sodom and Gomorrah.
carltonr61 1 year, 6 months ago….
Mist if the world reject UN pro trans and anti marriage agenda.
themessenger 1 year, 6 months ago
Every time I think that the level of ignorance of some of my people can no longer surprise me, they do, they won’t let you down, they won’t disappoint you.
carltonr61 1 year, 6 months ago
The United Nations is interfering with God, spirituality and Bahamian heritage and culture. Under God's marriage two people become as one and you cannot rape yourselves. The UN in forcefully imposing its anti God's will will degeneratemarriage to a civil union as trans and gay marriage can never take place under the sight of God. Sacred and Holy Marriage destruction will see 100% homes having multiple daddies as even in marriage wives bring in child strange to the husband. Civil Union marriage because it is not blessed by God will bring marriage down to the level of trans and gay civil union marriage. The UN us destroying the structures of God and and should be disbanded as filth. The UN andvits representative need the hand of God to touch them.
Bobsyeruncle 1 year, 6 months ago
What absolute drivel!!
Under God's marriage two people become as one and you cannot rape yourselves. Does this also mean that you can't beat the crap out of 'yourselves', or kill 'yourselves', since you are now 'one' ?
Dawes 1 year, 6 months ago
I don't know why people are worried about what people like Major say. The more they say it the less people go to church. In the long run they will be a relic of a bygone age, and no one will care. The younger people do not listen to people like him as much and just laugh at his foolishness. Most of the people who agree with him will be from the older generation, so ain't long till their views are gone.
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