A weekend of empty promises!

EDITOR, The Tribune.

This past weekend, the full machinery of both the Progressive Liberal Party(PLP) and the Free National Movement(FNM) rolled into west Grand Bahama. They were in full campaign mode. The showmanship, the high fives, and the fist bumping were everywhere. It was evident (to me at least) that emotions have been stirred in both political camps.

Not surprisingly, there were - in my opinion- a laundry list of unrealistic promises emanating from both camps. The (FNM) promised improved banking facilities, improved airports, better schools, and much more. The (PLP) promised clinics upgrade and road improvements, among other things.

But the looming question is “why should it have taken the untimely death of a sitting (MP) and subsequent by-election to spur these improvements?” I am not in the business of predicting winners and losers, so it matters not to me who wins or looses. If history is any judge, no matter who wins, nothing will change. Conditions on the ground will remain the same. Community improvements should be done as a matter of routine. The West Grand Bahama and Bimini constituency was represented by both major parties, who have both failed to make noticeable improvements within the constituency. What we now have is politicians playing politics with human suffering. They are preying on the emotions of the unsuspecting voters; unfortunately.

Rhetorical assignations are not uncommon during political campaigns, and so far, the fight appears above board, but I have to remind myself that it is still early. I am reminded of the song which says “you only know me when you need me”. Nothing will change, and I am under no illusion to think otherwise. Left shaking my head!



October 30, 2023.


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