Mr Pintard, grow up

EDITOR, The Tribune.

As a loyal FNM, I want to urge party leader Michael Pintard to grow up. It is time for maturity and wisdom, not for flying off the handle talking foolishness, especially during a by-election. He needs to show humility and stop being so arrogant.

In one breath, he says the party is under new management and has a new vision. In the next breath he lists all the wonderful things the party has done for West End and Bimini. Instead of building on that legacy, Mr Pintard seems to think that the FNM’s vision begins with him.

The FNM has an extraordinary record in office for the entire Bahamas. Both Hubert Ingraham and Hubert Minnis did good things for the country. Yes, both men made mistakes like all human beings. But I would prefer an FNM prime minister any day over a PLP one.

Many people believe that Philip “Brave” Davis has been the worst prime minister ever. The current PLP have accomplished very little. The cost of living is out of control because of their bad decisions.

Mr Pintard needs to concentrate on the PLP instead of attacking the legacy of the FNM, which is like putting an axe to the root of a tree from which you expect to get fruit. His comments about the Disaster Reconstruction Agency were wrong on many fronts. This includes the fact that he was in Cabinet at the time.

If he ever serves as prime minister, would he like one of his ministers breaching cabinet rules?Unfortunately, Mr Pintard is not the best team player. It often seems like it’s all about him. There is something wrong when a leader feels like he must cut down everybody around so he can be seen to be the big man.

We need to unify the FNM. He needs to stop fighting the last convention and instead concentrate on the present. Mr Pintard’s recent comments sow division.

The senior members of the party need to take in hand and help him to mature. Amateur hour needs to end for the sake of the party and the country because the PLP has to go.


November 8, 2023


Bahamianbychoice 11 months ago

I totally agree. Mr. Pintard appears opportunistic and arrogant, which actually is a front for "not very smart". I am also an FNM, or was, as I cannot support Mr. Pintard as is. I have the upmost respect for Mr. Ingraham and miss the days he was leading. Mr. Pintard should really seek Mr. Ingraham's guidance, but he will not humble himself.

birdiestrachan 11 months ago

Mr Ingraham who gave away BTC. Said no bahamian could buy it Btc belongs to a Jamaican company. They laughed at doc the Nairn man. He removed the inviolable property act. OUR. LUCAYA IS AN FNM mistake papa and son. But being Fnm s have an monopoly on LIes they continue to do just that LIE

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