BREAKING: Sylvanus Petty resigns as Water and Sewerage Corporation executive chairman

Sylvanus Petty

Sylvanus Petty

SYLVANUS Petty has resigned from this role at the Water and Sewerage Corporation at the request of Prime Minister Philip "Brave" Davis.

The news was announced in a press statement on Wednesday afternoon by the Office of the Prime Minister.

The statement said: "The Prime Minister has requested and accepted the resignation of Sylvanus Petty as executive chairman of Water and Sewerage Corporation. Acting Prime Minister Chester Cooper accepted the resignation on behalf of the Prime Minister. We thank Mr Petty for his service."

The move comes after sources told The Tribune that the Prime Minister had requested that a contract be cancelled that was given by WSC to Mr Petty's daughter, Sylatheia Gierszewski.

The news of the contract emerged when Mr Petty was cross-examined while appearing as a witness at the Adrian Gibson corruption trial, when Mr Petty said he did not discourage awarding contracts to people known by members of the WSC board, saying: "Everyone in The Bahamas was family."

He said he did not frown on nepotism and had no problem with the company entering into contracts with political allies if they were capable."

FNM chairman Dr Duane Sands had called for Mr Petty to resign, although Mr Davis said afterwards: "I know what I have to do and we are looking at the matter. We will not be dictated to by the FNM."

Mr Petty has made no comment.

The deputy chairman of the WSC will serve as acting executive chairman, according to the statemetn from OPM.


themessenger 7 months, 3 weeks ago

Perhaps there is some truth after all to the term "Honor among thieves."

stillwaters 7 months, 3 weeks ago

Too close to the bye-election and too many disgruntled voters....somebody had to be sacrificed. Bell is still there, but his mess is too closely related to Cooper.

sheeprunner12 7 months, 3 weeks ago

Davis is off to Dubai and has cowardly fired a small fry backbencher.

But he dared not touch the bigwigs in Cabinet who run amok.

He is a poor example of a PM.

DonAnthony 7 months, 3 weeks ago

Who would have thought that the PLP were more honest than the FNM?🤔. Petty had a 28k conflict of interest contract and fired, former chairman allegedly tiefed $1.3 mill and Minnis did nothing. Must be a new day after all!

themessenger 7 months, 3 weeks ago

@DonAnthony, conversely, how many millions did ole Shingles pocket not even taking into account his payout at the expense of the taxpayers. Let’s not even open the Pandora’s box of BOB, new day, more like SSDD!

TalRussell 7 months, 3 weeks ago

The way forward is to return, --- Back to The Voters'. --- My forecast back in September, voiced by-elections are to be held during the coming months --- To fill (5) vacated House-seats. --- Yes?

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