Celebrate men too

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Kindly allow me space in your column to congratulate Baha Mar Resorts for recognising and rewarding Male leadership on International Men’sDay.

Madam Editor, at a time in our challenging history when it is ‘normal’ and ‘intentional’ is continually emasculate almost daily in the print and broadcast media ,I congratulate Baha Mar for stepping out and doing what it did. I am almost certain that there are other businesses where the male is making an important and positive impact.But it seems like all you hear and read is the negativity the male does.

There are hundreds, probably thousands of male professionals ie businessmen, doctors, lawyers, engineers, architects, among others making a positive contribution in our country.

Commonwealth Bank comes to mind. Some years ago the bank published an ad in one of the daily newspapers recognising I believe 50 of its female employees. Not one male. While I believe excellence should be rewarded no matter the gender. But you mean to tell me, they couldn’t find ONE male in the bank who deserves to be congratulated? Com’on man.

I believe part of the problem is, not many male possess the testicular fortitude to let their voices be heard or to say anything at all! I am reminded of the CEO who took a delight in surrounding himself with all gown-tail board of directors. I have had conversations with male professionals, especially in the banking industry, who complain about the imbalance of promotions between male and female.There are men who compound the problem by continously emasculating the male to justify their position to ‘keep down the male’ .

It would be nice to see Bank of Bahamas Commonwealth Bank, Scotiabank, First Caribbean Bank, government offices and other private firms publicly recognise the male within its firm.

The point is, we ought to stop being so bias. Some of us can’t wait to ‘beat down the male’. It has become or is becoming a chorus.

While it may be sound sexy to beat down the male and ‘jump on the bandwagon’, I believe the day will come when we will regret this bias view.

In the meantime, I encourage the male to stand-up!

Pat Strachan

New Providence

November 19, 2023


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