Exempt app has led to 90 percent increase in revenue at LPIA, says financial secretary

FINANCIAL Secretary Simon Wilson.

FINANCIAL Secretary Simon Wilson.


Tribune Staff Reporter


FINANCIAL Secretary Simon Wilson said the Exempt App has led to a 90 per cent increase in customer revenue at the Lynden Pindling International Airport, calling the customs app a “success story” despite complications some travellers have experienced.

Mr Wilson spoke to reporters after the opening ceremony of an induction training programme involving customs officers. The 20-month programme, which includes 55 new trainees in New Providence and 29 trainees in Grand Bahama, will help in strengthening manpower. Mr Wilson said the trainees will help collect revenue efficiently.

The new customs app was introduced as a paperless way to easily traverse the declaration process. However, some who used the app called it “confusing” and difficult to use.

Mr Wilson said more than 100,000 people have downloaded and used the app successfully.

He said complaints about the app not working on certain smartphones or being user-friendly to the elderly have been resolved.

He said the government wants to simplify the declaration process further to make it easier for importers.

“This year we are on track with revenue in comparison to last year,” he said. “As you know, the big part of our revenue for this year is in the second half of the year when we increase the departure taxes on cruise ships.”

He said efforts are underway to get more men interested in the Customs Department to create a gender-balanced workplace.


Socrates 1 year, 4 months ago

Apart from Wilson saying so, what evidence supports his claim? this happens a lot.. politicians and senior civil servants maje statements but there is no independent analysis .. it may have gone up but is it because more bahamians traveled or cost of goods increased or due comparison with covid data? how do we know?

moncurcool 1 year, 4 months ago

That was my same sentiments.

What is the 90% based on? Comparing yesterday to today?

The fifth estate needs to do better and not just report the gibberish coming from the mouths of these people in government, and start challenging their statements.

ohdrap4 1 year, 4 months ago

Whatever extra revenue comes in, it will go to pay salaries of these trainees.

killemwitdakno 1 year, 4 months ago

Exempt app takes to freaking long then the customs officers make you hand them something to get through. If your freaking app don't work, don't charge me, especially when I would otherwise be exempt by my amount.

FreeportFreddy 1 year, 4 months ago

If the staff stopped taking bribes and everyone paid what they were supposed to you could cut the rates in half!

When some staff drive luxury cars and live in large houses (way beyond their salary would permit) you have to investigate or question it.

DWW 1 year, 4 months ago

sourcedata? or it didnt happen. when vat was introduced we were promised no more duty . deveel isa liar?

Sickened 1 year, 4 months ago

Now that they making money they need to create the nothing to declare line like in first world countries and let the officers randomly pick people to spot check. Waiting in those long lines is crazy frustrating.

AnObserver 1 year, 4 months ago

Can someone please explain to me how duty isn't just straight up theft/extortion?

I buy a thing for $100.

$5 of that cost is designing it.

$20 is raw materials

$20 is manufacturing

$10 to ship it from China to the US

$5 to market the product

$10 to ship it from the port to the store

$5 cost to warehouse it before sale

$5 US sales tax.

That leaves the reseller making $25. We then bring the item from the US to The Bahamas, and the government somehow thinks they deserve twice as big a cut of the profits as anyone. They did not design, manufacture, warehouse, market, sell, support, warranty, or transport the product, but somehow deserve the lion's share of the price tag?

ohdrap4 1 year, 4 months ago

Isn't this what the gas station operators talk about? Their margins is $0.54 but the govt collects $1.71 , three times as much. For doing nothing.

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