American restaurants on PI is a no

EDITOR, The Tribune.

As a vendor at Potter’s Cay, I would like to voice my strong opposition to the placement of American-style fast-food restaurants on Paradise Island. There is no doubt that it would cause serious harm to our already suffering business.

In recent years we have suffered with less and less tourists visiting ‘under the bridge’ to experience authentic Bahamian food and culture. The establishment of cheap fast-food outlets right at the other end of the bridge would be in direct competition with us, and would kill off the tourist trade completely for Potter’s Cay vendors. Americans love their fast food.

Most of our business nowadays comes from Bahamians, who we know also love American-style fast-food. There is no doubt that we will lose business from Bahamian hotel workers as well, as it would be easy, convenient and cheap to just step into Wendy’s and Marcos or any other fast-food place at the end of their shift.

For years, the area of Nassau across from Potter’s Cay has been dying. Our business has been dying with it. The plan to put Wendy’s and Marcos on the other side of the bridge would be a killer blow.

When are we going to stand up for small Bahamian businesses in this country? When are we going to protect our own heritage and stop selling out to foreign things?



October 23, 2023.


themessenger 11 months ago

Well ma brudda, while yinnas charging $18 for a one skinny conch and mostly vegetables salad and a Kalik, dem Wendy’s triple cheeseburgers wid mega fries and drink for $10 seems like a better deal to be carrying home to da chirren dem.

mandela 11 months ago

Tourist don't and won't patronize the Potter's Cay area as long as that area remains dirty, unkempt, unpainted, and smells, the tourists looks at Potters Cay the same way as most Bahamians looks at shanty towns and the Bahamians that frequent under the bridge are shanty town dwellers who are immune to filth.

AnObserver 11 months ago

The area immediately surrounding the Nassau side of the bridge is dying because it is filthy dirty, smells bad, dangerous, and full of drunk vagrants. If this area were clean, secure, and friendly to pedestrian traffic, it would thrive regardless of what restaurants are or are not on PI.

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