MAKING ARRESTS WINS COPS PRIZES: System seeks to boost morale - but minister says it’s fake news


Tribune Staff Reporter


POLICE have reportedly launched a system to reward officers - awarding points for making arrests, carrying out stop and searches and issuing tickets. The system, revealed in a leak on social media, has led to disapproval from many citizens. 

When approached for comment, Minister of National Security Wayne Munroe dismissed the leak as “fake news”.

The internal document of the Royal Bahamas Police Force, titled “Operation Teams-Performance Competition”, noted the launch of a “friendly competition” among officers to foster teamwork, boost morale, and recognise outstanding performance.

The competition is set for a period of three months. The winning team will be determined based on three categories - arrest; firearms arrest and recovered firearms; dangerous drug arrest and recovered drugs.

Each category’s point system varies, with minor offences such as assault valued at five points. However, offences such as murder and firearm arrests are valued at 25 points.

A special award would be given to the officers on the winning team, although the value was not disclosed.

“It is intended for the officers on the winning team to receive a special award in recognition of their exceptional contribution during the operation,” the document read.

“Additionally, each officer on the winning team will be personally commended by the Commissioner of Police through letters of appreciation. These letters will highlight their outstanding performance and will be placed on their personal file.”

This comes days after police launched Operation United Force, geared toward the reduction of crime. With the operation’s launch, police officers have taken to the streets of New Providence in the past week for a series of island-wide roadblocks.

Yesterday, press liaison Chief Superintendent Chrislyn Skippings declined to comment, saying that Police Commissioner Clayton Fernander will address the matter.

However, in a recent interview with Eyewitness, CSP Skippings confirmed the existence of the police incentive system.

“As you know, policing is a very daunting job so to motivate our officers we’ve placed an incentive for them,” she said.

“Now I would say to you that document was an internal document, but, yeah, like every organisation like I said, we seek to motivate our officers and that’s simply what that document is all about.”

Following the release of the document, many residents expressed disapproval, suggesting police officers would resort to abusing the system.

“So, we are paying the police extra to do their jobs and turning it into a game,” said one Facebook user.

Another user said: “I totally agree with roadblocks, but when you start paying officers incentives to do a job they should’ve been doing, it’s a recipe for dishonesty. I would like to see crime decrease just like any other law-abiding citizen, but this might create more criminals.”


FreeportFreddy 1 year ago

Why not give them 10% of the tickets they right? Everyone likes tips!!!

mandela 1 year ago

This has always been happening they are just taking it up a notch. On the streets it is known that to give up a gun to a police is worth $500.

Observer 1 year ago

Freeportfreddy, the correct word should be "write" and not right.

John 1 year ago

Take Wayne Munroe’s comments that, it’s ‘fake news’ to read ‘ it was a bad idea’. And you are politically correct.

TalRussell 1 year ago

.... So as not to be left out of hanging your Hat as a Comrade Endorser 'Ally, for a ... Counter 'incentive payments' campaign is also for, --- The Popoulaces' and fellow Policemans', ... Win Prizes as, --- Blowing Whistles'. --- If it will result in boosting morale amongst those 'good apples' --- Are not out there, engaging in all kinds and manners of bad stuff and things. ---- Hopeful, once swings into full gears, will see a noticeable drop in crime statistics throughout the colony's Nassau Town's communities, and Out islands towns and settlements. --- Yes?

realfreethinker 1 year ago

The minister said it's "fake news" but the police confirmed it? Something wrong here. They need to get on the same page

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