'More women needed in Parliament'

Vanessa Scott

Vanessa Scott


Tribune Freeport Reporter


VANESSA Scott, the president of the FNM Women’s Association, is calling for more female representation in Parliament.

She believes having more women in government will help to balance the scales and advocate for policies related to women's issues.

During a recent Grand Bahama FNM Women's Association meeting, she said: "We need to turn these blue seats pink. Why do we need men to make decisions on female-related issues?"

Ms Scott is leading the effort to identify about 39 to 42 women as potential candidates for the next general elections.

There are currently only five women serving in Cabinet in the Davis-led administration, and Ms Scott believes more women should be involved in the decision-making process.

She also said women in The Bahamas are the majority and should have some control in their destination. She highlighted that there are many women's issues, such as gender-based violence, domestic violence, and all types of abuse, that needs to be addressed by women.

Ms Scott indicated there are talks of increasing the number of parliamentary seats from 39 to 42. She believes another seat will be added in New Providence and two more in the Family Islands.

As a result, the Women's Association intends to put forward 42 names of women to a pool from which the FNM party can choose.

Ms Scott encouraged women in Grand Bahama who are inclined to offer themselves for service to come forward. She said the FNM had seven female candidates in the last elections, and they want to be able to offer more women and see more women in government.


ThisIsOurs 1 year ago

"More women" and "more young people", Im confused by both phrases. Would "More Bahamians" resolve the flooding by the Pointe? What the country needs is less corruption and more people with character and ethics.

I firmly believe that as a society we have no ethics, we dont even have a concept of what it means, why its it's important or how the absence of it has led to 7 dollar gas at the pump and 3 dollar apples.

I chuckled on hearing the account of US politician Menendez alledged to have illegally assisted a foreign power, the charges read that they found thousands of dollars in cash and gold bars in his house. Gold bars.. lol. My first thought was, he must be a Bahamian.

Funny but not funny.

Two(?) years ago someone I respected said, "what's wrong with accepting a nice watch or a plane ride?". Absolutely no understanding that that is how the criminal/manipulator, call it Satan if you wish, buys you. They do it slowly. It's a master marketing plan. Before you know it the man going into Bain Town to buy underage Bahamian girls to sexually molest at his Lyford Cay home is publicly calling you "his man of business", and is on video shooting up some unknown drug into his arm as the entire Parliament power broker set sits and smiles. Correction, he sending you to buy the girls to bring to him with you fully aware of his intentions. He's bought your good name. And you no longer blink at any perversion he does or requests of you. And your bishop says I have no problem, tithes get paid regularly.

Would more women make men more appreciative of women's issues, I guess. Would it make the country better? I seriously doubt it. Miriam Immanuel? Lanesha Rolle? I could literally call all of them. No difference. They went along with whatever program was laid before them. Marital rape is a private matter?

We need ethics and less corruption.

hrysippus 1 year ago

Just so; ideally The House of Assembly should have 20 women members and 4 white members to more accurately represent the Bahamian population. This, however, is a the flaw in the "First Across The Post" democratic election process that we currenty espouse,

sheeprunner12 1 year ago

There is absolutely no need to increase the number of MPs in Parliament, as no MP represents 10,000 voting constituents. In the USA, each MP represents about 500,000.

Senators should either be elected (one per island) OR dissolve the Senate, as it serves NO real purpose now.

The PM should be elected by the citizens ................ and some of his power removed.

Each island should have an elected mayor to run Local Govt with its own budget.

Cabinet Ministers should not exceed 12 ........... they shouldnot outnumber backbenchers.

Otherwise, our system will not improve, regardless of which gender sits in HOA.

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