One-term govt in the making

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Has the question ever been asked about why we have not had at least a two term government in The Bahamas since the FNM administration of 1992-2002?

There are numerous reasons for this – no doubt. But the primary reason is due to the fact that no administration since 1992-2002 has impressed the Bahamian electorate to the point where they were given another term in a row.

Every government since 2002 has been shooting itself in the foot with lack of accountability, reckless borrowing, more taxes on the people, outright arrogance and so on.

One recent example of absolute arrogance and insult on the Bahamian people by the present government – is, in my opinion, the recent announcement by the Attorney General of The Bahamas that the settlement of an oil spill incident between The Bahamas government and the guilty party is confidential!

It is fundamental matters like the oil spill settlement – which should gladly be shared with the Bahamian public – but is kept a secret, that will result in another one term administration in The Bahamas.

The Attorney General of The Bahamas sounded like a private lawyer – making such an announcement. You are the people’s lawyer right now, Mr Attorney General! Account to the people, therefore!

Keeping a secret on basic matters of interest to the people – is only another nail in a one-term government’s coffin.



September 23, 2023.


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