Video footage played to inquest also shows gunfight with police
Tribune Staff Reporter
SECURITY footage showed 17-year-old Elron Johnson say, “don’t shoot, I give up” during a gun battle in which a police officer shot and killed him after his failed attempt to rob a Chinese restaurant last year.
An off-duty officer shot and killed Johnson as he fled the Double Dragon Chinese Restaurant on East Bay Street on June 15, 2023.
As the inquest into the fatal shooting continued yesterday, Sergeant Nikita Pickstock testified that he recovered security footage from the restaurant and a nearby apartment complex.
The first footage was from a camera behind the cash register. It showed the deceased entering the restaurant with a gun before cursing and demanding that patrons give him their belongings.
The footage showed Johnson and his accomplice, stationed at the door, running out of the restaurant out of fear of police arrival. An officer chased the men shortly before multiple shots were fired offscreen.
Sgt Pickstock said the off-duty officer was seated at a bar in the corner during the robbery, and Johnson had a gun in his right hand.
The second footage was from the vantage point of the dining area and showed restaurant patrons cowering in their seats as Johnson demanded their belongings. This footage also showed the officer chasing the robbers.
The restaurant’s occupants scurried for cover as gunfire rang out in the background.
Security footage from the restaurant’s parking lot showed Johnson climbing a wall in front of a nearby apartment complex as a gun battle ensued between him and the officer. The footage glitched in court.
The apartment complex’s black and white security footage showed the accomplice run away from the scene. Johnson is shown falling to the ground after jumping the wall upon being shot.
Johnson is shown crawling and dragging himself on the ground towards an empty building in the apartment complex yard and yells for his partner to help him.
He then stopped and sought cover behind a pile of sand, but returned fire while on the ground.
He then said: “Ok, sir, I give up, I give up.”
He howled in anguish after another shot rang out. He tried to crawl again before firing his weapon
into the air while lying on his back.
He said: “Don’t shoot, don’t shoot, please. I give up.”
The footage does not show him firing his weapon again. He is shown lying face-up as officers arrive on the scene with flashlights.
The footage showed an officer kicking the gun from near his hand and ordering him to stay down.
Colour security footage from a different angle showed a resident exiting their upstairs apartment to view the incident, only to run back inside as Johnson crawled and fired his weapon.
This footage ended with the deceased lying on the ground near the sand pile.
Assistant Superintendent of Police Tiffany Crawley-Hamilton testified that she helped investigate Johnson’s death.
She said the day after the shooting, she spoke to Inspector Lavaro Moxey, the subject of the inquest.
She said Inspector Moxey told her he pursued Johnson and his accomplice and engaged the former in a gunfight as he tried to climb the wall. He reportedly told her he shot Johnson in the leg and engaged the teen again when he fell over the wall.
ASP Hamilton said when she surveyed the scene of the shooting, she observed gunshot damage and apparent blood stains.
After viewing security footage of the incident, she said the footage was consistent with Inspector Moxey’s account.
On June 20, 2023, ASP Hamilton indicated that she inquired about the second suspect in the armed robbery and discovered that he had been found and charged with the robbery.
She said she was satisfied that the killing was justified.
K Melvin Munroe represents Inspector Moxey.
Angelo Whitfield marshalled the evidence.
stillwaters 11 months, 1 week ago
17 years old.....should've been in UB, not out engaging in gun battles. So sad, but it is what it is.
mandela 11 months, 1 week ago
yeah, sad, but if he had truly given up he would've tossed the gun the first time after saying he gave up and not continued firing his gun off. After shooting the robber in the leg the first time and him falling over a wall, this lone off-duty justice of the law could have simply waited for backup and flushed the injured robber out. Maybe he didn't have to die and could have been captured and brought before the courts.
GodSpeed 11 months, 1 week ago
Yeah, or maybe while not trying to shoot the robber the officer could have gotten shot and be the one dead. When it's life and death you shoot to kill.
stillwaters 11 months, 1 week ago
In a highly charged shootout like this, instinct kicks in.......self preservation. You really think officers are calmly thinking of ways to let these criminals be treated with utmost respect?
John 11 months, 1 week ago
Shouldn’t commenting on this matter be disabled until the trial is over?
jamaicaproud 11 months, 1 week ago
This should be required reading in every Caribbean country where fellas want to become 'rude boys.'.(Along with raw video footage) It should be taught to these fellows, you may start the game, but you can't cry timeout when your back is literally against the wall. Its also a case for citizens to have the ability to be armed(responsible gun ownership) If Police man wasn't there, he would still be running around being a menace to society.
John 11 months, 1 week ago
Why just required reading in the Caribbean? This is racially prejudiced. What about all the mass killings b elsewhere? Where the intent was to set out and murder more than one individual. Many not even known to the killers.
jamaicaproud 11 months, 1 week ago
I know your type. He was disadvantaged, sigle mother, the system is a D school system, he was hungry blah blah. Boss you know better. What is racial in my statement? I mention Caribbean because its where I reside mostly and the same trends exist in all the islands. I am sure you would understand that mass killings and robbery at gunpoint have different motivations and mass killings is not an issue in our society? re you one of those like those in my country that believe when bad boys 'lick shot' the Police can only respond when they are on the ground dying?
Since we are at it. If an article is on an internationally available newspaper, what does it matter if people comment or not? Why don't you just come out and ask, why the article was published in the first case? If you have ever had a rude boy shub a gun in your face, you would be of a different opinion.
Sickened 11 months, 1 week ago
Since we can comment... I'm glad he's dead. You can't go shooting at someone and then yell time out once you get cornered. Once you start a gun fight it should end in death - not in the courts. Let this be a lesson for everyone. Your last day will be the day you start shooting at ANYONE!!!
Sickened 11 months, 1 week ago
He started the robbery as a big man with a loaded gun; and ended his life as a child, begging for mercy.
CaptainCoon 11 months, 1 week ago
He will NOT be doing this again!
ThisIsOurs 11 months, 1 week ago
Sad. If we dont start going after the money trail and get the kingpins, 11yr olds will be getting shot in 10 years
John 11 months, 1 week ago
On reading the article one will ask ‘well if the young thug surrendered to police even before he was shot and wounded and after he was shit before being shot fatally by the officer, then why did the officer still take his life? In gunfights they do allow the loser to surrender without being killed. But one must also go back to the words of the father of the 17 y/o who spoke after he was killed and said he tried talking to his son on numerous occasions and telling him to change his life but the boy just would not listen. . . Then when watching the report where parents of a 15 y/plo, who took a gun to school and murdered five of his school mates. The parents, both mom and dad were each charged 10-15 years as accessories to five counts of murder. Unlike the father in this case who said he ‘talked’ to his son and tried to steer him in the right direction ( the boy wouldn’t listen). These parents bought their son a handgun for his birthday, took him to a gun range for his birthday and taught him how to shoot tge weapon. In addition, they carelessly left the weapon lying around the home, unlocked and unsecured. And so in that instance a 10-15 year jail sentence on each parent is justified. And on those grounds, the accomplice of the 17 year old shooter be charged as an accessory to murder. Except then the police officer may also have to be charged
John 11 months, 1 week ago
The suggestion that by Jamaicaproud that this be required reading at UB and around the Caribbean is purely racist and has no purposeful foundation. How many 17 y/o have been caught up in armed robberies or even engaging in gunfights with police. What would’ve been more productive is if police would have tried to find where the 16 y/o got the gun and ammunition with which he engaged tge police in a gunfight or even attempted to commit an armed robbery
jamaicaproud 11 months, 1 week ago
Why attack the Jamaican? Well in my country and in Trinidad its documented you have some teenage gunboys. I am pretty sure, well this case proves they exist in the Commonwealth. So I insist it should be required reading or public knowledge. In Jamaica, the Police has made it clear, if you engage, there won't be a storybook ending. No one is going to get into the idiosyncrasies of when you begged for mercy. No one is saying the Police maybe could have had a different outcome, but why take the risk.
Unless the Police walked up to a fella sitting under a tree minding his business and "finish him", nothing will come out of it.
There is nothing racial. Bahamas is a majority black population and there is no hidden agenda by some chalkasian folk to eliminate the youth.
In case you don't know, these youths are put forward by the gangs under the premise of sealed records if caught or light sentences with admonishment from nice SundaySchool type judges.
Bonefishpete 11 months, 1 week ago
He said don't shoot I give up, then fired his gun again? Then said don't shoot I give up second time? I don't think that's how it works?
GodSpeed 11 months, 1 week ago
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
John 11 months, 1 week ago
Recent MASS shooting in Philadelphia during MUSLIMS celebration. Numerous people shit but non fatal ( yet). BUT ALL FIVE SHOOTERS ARE MINORS. Some as young as FIFTEEN! The Bible says ‘and violence in the earth shall increase in the last days..’
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