FNM: No urgency over police probe

Opposition Leader Michael Pintard during a sitting of the House of Assembly on May 1, 2024. Photo: Dante Carrer/Tribune Staff

Opposition Leader Michael Pintard during a sitting of the House of Assembly on May 1, 2024. Photo: Dante Carrer/Tribune Staff

‘The police cannot investigate itself, they need oversight’


Tribune Chief Reporter 


FREE National Movement leader Michael Pintard accused the Davis administration of showing a “lack of urgency” in securing the public’s trust in the Royal Bahamas Police Force amid an alleged corruption probe.

He said the administration has not outlined a process that assures the public the RBPF’s investigation into matters related to voice notes released earlier this month is robust enough. He said the public’s trust in the critical law enforcement agency has been shaken.

“The police cannot investigate itself,” he said. “The police itself needs oversight.”

His comment came after Oral Roberts, a man linked to November’s $1.5m robbery of a bank security car, was killed in Fox Hill on Tuesday, the third man connected to that crime to be murdered.

No direct link between Roberts’ death and the bank heist has been established, but the killing unsettled residents and sparked widespread commentary and speculation.

The heist is the subject of voice notes that purport to capture a quid-pro-quo arrangement involving two murdered men, a lawyer and a senior police officer who has taken leave as police investigate the matter.

Police Commissioner Clayton Fernander has said the Security and Intelligence Branch of the police force is investigating the matter. Police have sought help from the United Kingdom’s Metropolitan Police but have not confirmed whether that body agreed to help.

Mr Pintard said yesterday that the government could appoint a tribunal to spearhead investigations.

“Witnesses and bystanders have made startling allegations that this latest murder may be connected to an incident at the centre of an ongoing investigation into corruption within the RBPF and beyond,” he said in a statement.

“The government’s lack of urgency and engagement in establishing a transparent process to investigate this matter is shaking public confidence in law enforcement, policymakers, and the entire criminal justice system. Three suspects in a major crime have died violently, but the Davis administration is silent as a mouse as public scrutiny intensifies.”

Michael Fox Jr and Dino Smith, two men killed in May and January, were suspects in the November robbery discussed on the voice notes, but they were not charged with a crime.

Oral Roberts and his co-accused were charged in November with stealing more than $1m from the bank security car at an airport.

Roberts’ mother, Mizpah Roberts, claimed police questioned him last week as part of their probe into the leaked voice notes. She claimed he told her police had warned him not to speak to other police officers.


TalRussell 1 month, 2 weeks ago

HAS to start to think if to go along when the opposition leader reflects about the oft-reminded assurances that murder and violence are activity and primarily being orchestrated by people known** to the policemans'. -- Yes?

John 1 month, 2 weeks ago

From the moment there was information that the alleged corruption involved persons not in the police force, but also probably some politicians and others who have undue influence on the police, this investigation should be placed in the hands of competent people not enlisted on the police force. Most likely a commission or a tribunal that includes a non Bahamian. And the inquiry should not be limited to the voice notes, but the Kemp Road massacre and other mass slaying or unsolved murders in the country. Maybe the expect that the uncontrollable will blow away and the country and whomever else in particular can return to ‘killings as usual.’ But O that never stopped.

jackbnimble 1 month, 2 weeks ago

I agree. The common denominator seems to be that they all were interrogated at CID and right after were murdered and none of the murders are solved. Something stinks in Denmark.....

ExposedU2C 1 month, 2 weeks ago

We have a PM who is corrupt to the core ........ and the tone for these "hits" is being set from the very top!

birdiestrachan 1 month, 2 weeks ago

mr pintard and Mr Cartwright are campaigning ! He does not know what is going on but remember this crew the spy bill, The black shirts then they passed the bill against VAT then increased it 60% toggie :boggie Deception and lies,They are the masters

trueBahamian 1 month, 2 weeks ago

Geezus! I hope you don't believe this for your sake. Lol. Let's not play politics and look at facts. There are leaked tapes and dead suspects to a crime that is the subject of the voice notes. The police are caught up in this drama. This really ain't the time to spew political garbage. Flush your thoughts and think about what's good for the country.

TalRussell 1 month, 2 weeks ago

Also Comrades, you agree with me but if not that's fine with me, -- That Comrade Leader Pintard, -- Knows a thing more about this particular very serious CID matter than he's prepared to early let on. --- Yes?

John 1 month, 2 weeks ago

Don’t just hint at it… just say it. It is public knowledge already.

John 1 month, 2 weeks ago

If the allegations of the mother of the last murder victim are true, then the officers that did the last interview:interrogation with him shouldalready been questioned about his murder. But by whom? Reports from the police are that since the officer in charge of CDU took leave, some eighteen officers have been dismissed from the force, suspended or reassigned. But how much ( undue) influence do these officers have on other officers and access to confidential records. Even firearms msybr

ExposedU2C 1 month, 2 weeks ago

This most corrupt Davis led PLP government has sparked the creation of the Bahamas version of the Tonton Macoute.

Stumpy Davis really lends new meaning to the fact that even a grotesque and despicable thug is capable of becoming a lawyer and then an elected politician.

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