Man fined $5,000 for possession of more than two ounces of marijuana


Tribune Staff Reporter 


A MAN was fined $5,000 after he was found with a significant amount of drugs earlier this week.

Senior Magistrate Raquel Whyms arraigned Prescott Williams, 29, on possession of dangerous drugs with intent to supply.

Williams was found with 2.5oz of marijuana on July 30 In New Providence.

The defendant pleaded guilty to the charge. If he fails to pay his fine, he will face a three-month prison sentence.

Another man was fined $250 for a separate drug charge.

Magistrate Whyms also arraigned Geovany Octavien, 23, and Brandon Pinder, 28, on possession of dangerous drugs.

Octavien was found with 11 grams of marijuana on July 28.

While Octavien pleaded guilty to the charge, his co-accused entered a not-guilty plea. The charge against Pinder was withdrawn.

After admitting to having a drug problem, Octavien was ordered to attend six months of drug counselling or risk one month in prison.

Failing to pay his fine would also incur a one-month prison term.

Octavien will return to court on February 5, 2025.

Alphonso Lewis represented the defendants in both matters.


Empiricist 1 month, 1 week ago

This is just the beginning. Them boys saying they now free to buy and sell. Mark my words.

ThisIsOurs 1 month, 1 week ago

Exactly. This will be just like turn left on red where drivers on a red light believe they now have the right to overtake waiting traffic, push their way into right-of-way oncoming traffic and turn right on red. What a mess.

The most confusing is the Rastafarian position. All along their argument was about their religion and oppression and rights, then overnight they want to know why they cant be drug dealers too. I see business increasing for dollar peanut sales and rastas paying an off the books tax to the man overseeing the street. What a mess. But who could have known?

mandela 1 month, 1 week ago

Our laws, our Judges, our mindset is still in the dark ages. The way we think will be the death of us. I would rather know someone is walking around or maybe next to me with 2.5 oz of Marijuana than to know the person on the side of me has a gun. The way we punish for having small quantities of cannabis that if possible can only hurt the user, compaired to the light sentences for a gun with bullets which has the potential to kill others, many in one single round.

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