Twenty-four inmates graduate Prison Fellowship Programme


Tribune Staff Reporter 


TWENTY-FOUR inmates of the maximum security section of the Bahamas Department of Correctional Services completed the Prison Fellowship Bahamas programme yesterday.

Prison Fellowship Bahamas is a Christian non-profit organisation that ministers to inmates and their families. According to its website, it provides a transitional home for inmates to find temporary low-cost living in a “drug-free, alcohol-free and stress-free environment”.

A chaplain chose the inmates who participated in the eight to ten-week course.

This was the third cohort to participated in the programme.

“The key to this programme is actually presenting Jesus Christ to residents or inmates,” Prison Fellowship Bahamas president Pastor Anthony Sands said yesterday. He said the programme used various teaching methods to account for the fact that some inmates cannot read.

“Persons got a chance to know who Christ was,” he said.


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