Darville defends PM’s ‘personal choice’ for US medical treatment

Dr Michael Darville speaking at the Office of the Prime Minister briefing on Friday, July 19, 2024. Photo: Dante Carrer/Tribune Staff

Dr Michael Darville speaking at the Office of the Prime Minister briefing on Friday, July 19, 2024. Photo: Dante Carrer/Tribune Staff


Tribune Staff Reporter


HEALTH Minister Dr. Michael Darville said Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis' decision to travel to the United States to undergo treatment  for sciatica was a “personal choice”.

He said the prime minister has a daughter who is a physician, adding it is a “family matter”.

“It doesn't take away from the fact that the surgery could have been done in The Bahamas,” Dr Darville said. 

“I don't think it's an issue.  It's a personal choice, and they made the choice. It was a good choice and the surgery was successful."

"He came back in the country with less pain, there's a recovery period, and so we're going to be watching him very closely as he conducts his duties that he don't get over excited with the activity.”

However, he maintained the doctors in The Bahamas are “ very competent”.

Mr Davis returned to The Bahamas on Wednesday after undergoing surgery abroad for compression of his sciatic nerve.

The Cleveland Clinic says sciatica involves irritation, inflammation, pinching, or compression that affects one or more nerves running down the lower back and into the legs. The condition is not considered serious, but severe cases require surgery.

Mr Davis had reportedly battled sciatica for a few months and suffered excruciating pain in one of his legs when he stood.

The health minister said he will keep an eye on the prime minister as he recovers.  

“I know this weekend is the Cat Island homecoming, and you know he likes to dance, so I'm more than likely will be there with him. As he begin to dance I'll say, ‘I know that it's good to be here, but you know, you have to be mindful of the situation’. So he's recovering. The surgery was successful. He's in good spirits.”


moncurcool 2 months, 3 weeks ago

The two of them have just confirmed that the medical system of the country is crap. The PM won't even use his own health system.

ExposedU2C 2 months, 3 weeks ago

Here are the key points that sly Darville chooses to ignore while readily admitting Davis could have received the medical treatment he needed in the Bahamas:

1) Davis made a personal decision to run for elected office and then to seek and accept the appointment as PM. In doing so he has a duty and commitment to lead by example and to instill in the Bahamian people confidence in the public healthcare system that his government is responsible for maintaining to an acceptable standard on their behalf.

2) Davis is adorned with a generous salary, allowances, the benefits of a deluxe health insurance plan, and many other perks afforded a sitting PM, and all at great cost to the taxpayers. If, as Darville suggests, he could have received the treatment he needed here in The Bahamas, then why on earth would he choose to greatly enrich a foreign medical facility and foreign medical personnel rather than have the costs of his treatment spent here in our country?!

3) Our PM was elected and is paid to be on the job as much as possible given the responsibilities, duties and frequent urgent demands made on his official office. With that in mind, he should have received his treatment in The Bahamas to avoid the inordinate delay in his return to our country because of his inability to travel during his post-op recovery period.

These are the inescapable truths that all speak to the very poor judgment exercised by Davis and the lame excuses now being made by Darville on his behalf. Both Davis and Darville must take all of us to be fools.

bahamianson 2 months, 3 weeks ago

Defend all you want. There is no defense. You arw the leader of the Bahamian people. You tell us to have pride in our little bahama land, and you jumped ship like you did in Covid. You left for better treatment in the US while bahamians died with covid. This is the second time you should no confidence in your bahamian doctors. This is very disrespectful. I dont think you are proud to be Bahamian. You should be voted out. Then the people will make you a Hero!! I hope they remember this.

sheeprunner12 2 months, 3 weeks ago

PM Davis always goes overseas for medical attention.He brags that his own daughter practices medicine overseas. Many of his peers have children who live and work abroad. Even Perry's wife has left the country.

So, how can he tell Bahamians to love their country and stay at home after getting educated? Or stay at home and support your country's service providers and professionals etc?

He is a poor example to ordinary Bahamians. Period.

ExposedU2C 2 months, 3 weeks ago

Bernadette left The Bahamas soon after she learned from some of Nygard's regular wild party-goers that Vomit had indeed become much less AC and much more DC.

ThisIsOurs 2 months, 3 weeks ago

"we're going to be watching him very closely as he conducts his duties that he don't get over excited with the activity.”"

Lol. He's in no danger ..from activity

Porcupine 2 months, 3 weeks ago

These two have absolutely no loyalty to anyone other than themselves. They are takers. As are most of the PLP administration. Takers.

birdiestrachan 2 months, 3 weeks ago

Godspeed Mr Davis, imagine a daughter who is a doctor and the great physician on your side, may you go from strength to strength walking without pain , Doctor Darville it is all right no matter what you said faults would be found, so pray for Gods protection,

ExposedU2C 2 months, 3 weeks ago

Perhaps Stumpy Davis, like his daughter, should re-locate to the U.S. in order to permanently escape the poor quality of healthcare that successive corrupt governments led by incompetent politicians like himself have created for most poor Bahamians.

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