RGA chief uncertain whether retailers would support raising minimum wage


Tribune Chief Reporter 


THE Retail Grocers Association president is uncertain whether retailers will support another minimum wage increase so soon after the last hike, warning that such a move could “come at a cost.”

Philip Beneby, the president of RGA, which represents more than 200 food store operators, said if the minimum wage is increased again, some businesses may consider layoffs, reducing working hours, or increasing prices.

Labour Minister Pia Glover-Rolle indicated on Monday that the government is considering another minimum wage increase “in the near future”.

The rate had increased from $210 to $260 in January 2023.

Mr Beneby said yesterday: “We had electricity rates increased, we had NIB increased and just before that was the minimum wage increase and then to talk about another minimum wage increase, that’s bringing the burden on all of the various sectors. I know it will have an affect on all of the businesses in all sectors so I guess we will have to wait and see what the real decision will have to be.”

Bahamas Public Service Union (BPSU) and Trade Union Congress (NTCU) leaders want the minimum wage to increase to $350.

Like Mr Beneby, the Bahamas Chamber of Commerce and Employers Federation’s (BCCEC) CEO Leo Rolle said the chamber is uncertain whether businesses would support any increase.

Mr Beneby added yesterday: “We know what the workers are experiencing, and the cost of living has increased almost straight across the board, so we gon’ always want workers to have a decent or reasonable living, but it’s going to come with a cost. We like to make workers feel compensated for their work, but at the same time, you still have a business to run.”

Mr Beneby also could not speak to how the recent National Insurance Board contribution rate increase and electricity reforms have affected businesses, saying it is still too early to tell.

Mrs Glover-Rolle promised that relevant stakeholders would be included in discussions about another minimum wage increase.

Mr Beneby said he hopes the government’s consultation will involve representatives from the grocers’ association, as there has been little dialogue between the two.


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