LOVE YA DOG: Meet Crew and Sculler - and their boat club friends

Crew and Sculler with their boat club friends.

Crew and Sculler with their boat club friends.

WHEN we launched our Love Ya Dog campaign, one of the first responses from readers was also one of the most intriguing we have had.

Rather than being from one reader, this was from a whole club that has adopted two dogs and cares for them as their own.

Kyle Chea, of Nassau Rowing Club, got in touch to tell the story.

He said: “When Nassau Rowing Club moved into its new property which was a vacant lot, we met two friendly potcakes already living there in the bush. They adopted us and permitted us to train from their home. In return, we had them vaccinated, treated for heartworm, as well as spayed and neutered.

“We set up kennels with dry, comfortable padding and we feed and water them every day, though they are just as content to drink lake water (surprise!). We named them Crew and Sculler after a naming contest across the adult and junior members, and got them collars and name tags for easy identification. While they come and go as they please, we are often greeted by Sculler as we set off for training in the morning, while Crew tends to sleep in and lazes about until the afternoon.

“They get plenty of shade from the trees, and in the event of rain, they have their kennels or huddle under one of our rowing boats for shelter.”

The Love Ya Dog campaign encourages dog owners to take care of their pets - and we are calling on readers to join in.

We want to encourage those who do treat their pets well to show them off - and by doing so letting others see a better way to treat their pets.

CARE TIP: Dogs do not sweat; this is why they pant a lot. During the hot summer months, they need a shaded place to lie (with a cross breeze) and cold fresh water available at all times.

• Send us a picture of you with your dogs to loveyadog@tribunemedia.net to join the campaign and show that you Love Ya Dog.


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