‘Davis hypocritical on climate as govt neglects local issues’




Tribune Chief Reporter 


FREE National Movement (FNM) leader Michael Pintard criticised Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis of being hypocritical, arguing that it’s contradictory for him to advocate for global climate action while neglecting environmental issues at home.

Mr Pintard highlighted the government’s failure to prioritise the removal of vessels stranded in a marine protected area in Abaco as a key example of this hypocrisy.

A barge and tugboat became stuck in Fowl Cays National Park, a protected area managed by the BNT, after encountering rough seas en route to Baker’s Bay, Abaco, on March 27.

“We have raised issues such as this on a regular basis where the prime minister is travelling internationally talking about a good stewardship of our environment both marine as well as terrestrial,” Mr Pintard said. “However, at home, he has a number of significant issues that he is not addressing. One of those issues is not just sunken vessels in Abaco. There are multiple vessels that have sunk that the government has not been able to address.”

Mr Pintard also noted acts of deforestation for coal production, saying the government is aware the problem, but “seems unwilling to address it.”

“So, yes, we believe the prime minister has to not only talk the talk. He has to walk to the walk and make sure that his minister address these issues urgently.”

Local environmental watchdogs have reported significant damage to coral reefs in the Abaco National Park and warned that further delays in removing the vessels will result in even more extensive damage.


pt_90 3 weeks, 4 days ago

Governments have long not cared and only pay lip service until, something happens and it continues today.

You see many cars and buses puffing out large plumes of dark smoke and nothing seems to be done. Bon fires go unchecked and unpunished. No proper means to dispose of harmful materials like batteries, CFL lightbulbs etc. Little by the way of recycling. The EIA on the hospital showed the water table being contaminated in the area. In what other areas is this the case, are the residents being warned. Are any checks done on the water table in various areas to see if chemicals or sewage from tanks arent contaminating the water? Then you have other environmental issues like Athol island, deforestation, fuel leaks, you name it. There was even the story that persons tied in their sewerage lines to the public drains!

But you know what the excuse will be "small countries like us only produce .0000001% of greenhouse gases". As if that's the only environmental issue we have.

JackArawak 3 weeks, 4 days ago

shut up Pintartd, the FNM would and has leave boats on the reef. Go move it yourself while in opposition, that would be news worthy.

birdiestrachan 3 weeks, 3 days ago

Mr Pintard is an empty barrel making much foolish noise, , he had to be begged to speak on GBP increase , but it may have something to do with money , Mr Pintard how is toggie and boggie??

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