Dexter Bodie is certified kids’ athletics coach

Coach Dexter Bodie holds his certification he earned in St Vincent and the Grenadines.

Coach Dexter Bodie holds his certification he earned in St Vincent and the Grenadines.


Chief Sports Editor


ROADRUNNERS head coach Dexter Bodie can now boast of being one of the few certified kids’ athletics coaches in The Bahamas.

Yesterday, Bodie completed the course in St Vincent and the Grenadines where he spent the past few days going through a vigorous training programme.

Hosted by the St Vincent and the Grenadines’ Amateur Athletic Association and their Olympic Committee, the course got started on Monday and featured representatives from nine other countries in the Caribbean.

“It was a learning experience. It’s something different. It was a lot of imput shared,” he said. “We had two days of outside competition and flexibility.

“We had some kids from St Vincent, who we had to teach what we learned during the course. All of that was a part of it. We had two days of that.”

During the course, Bodie said they had to teach athletes the method of competing in kids athletics.

“It was a good course, very intense, very scrutinised, the lecturers were on point and I really enjoyed it,” Bodie said. “It was a learning experience. I gained a lot of knowledge and I hope to implement some of what I learned into my club and share it with others who would like to share in some of the things that I learned when I get back home.”

Bodie, who is scheduled to return home today, said the sessions ran daily from 8:30am to about 5pm with a 


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