UB continues quest for accreditations


Tribune Staff Reporter 


AFTER 18 months, the University of The Bahamas is set to submit its candidacy application for accreditation this fall.

The institution is pursuing accreditations from the National Accreditation and Equivalency Council of The Bahamas, the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools in the United States, as well as from accrediting bodies in the European Union and the United Kingdom.

University of The Bahamas Acting President Janyne Hodder said the quest for accreditation reflects the institution’s commitment to continuous improvement.

Ms Hodder noted the university plans to address long-standing issues, including facility maintenance, further digitalisation, security upgrades, and ensuring the presence of qualified faculty as part of its preparations for accreditation. She acknowledged that while the process should be a source of national pride, she could not provide a specific timeline for its completion due to uncertainties in the candidacy process.

“We have substantial evidence from our 50 years of operation, including over 22,000 alumni in prominent positions worldwide. However, receiving validation from external observers would further affirm our achievements,”Ms Hodder said.

She also highlighted that accreditation would facilitate student and faculty

exchanges, as well as joint research projects.

“As we have an internationally accredited standard, it’s easy then for a student from, I don’t know, the University of Wisconsin to come and spend a semester with us, or for student here at UB to go spend a semester at University of Wisconsin and carry their credits have them automatically recognise,” she said.

Ms Hodder commended the government for its financial support in the recent budget, which has assisted with capital projects essential for the accreditation process. During the 2024/25 Budget Debate, Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis announced a planned $12m investment to support the university’s accreditation efforts.


trueBahamian 2 weeks, 6 days ago

Interesting! UB is in serious need of am upgrade physically. It's a mix of what needs rl be condemned with newer constructed buildings next to buildings in between these extremes.tjay just look like they are on their wat to be condemned. Based on my limited understanding the university seems floundering to find It's way academically. President and senior faculty fights. Credits not being recognized too many places. Just an exercise in taking students money and time with little to show at the end. A lot of the top employers locally are not a fan of the institution. I've been in numerous conversations that end in they don't see it as a serious quality tertiary institution. They need a serious drive to e credible in academia globally. They need to clean house on a lot of the administration roles as they seem to be part of the hold up. The only thing they seem to have gotten good at is creation of arbitrary fees to extort students and alumni of from time to time.

As a former alumni who went on to other universities after, I can say UB is FAR behind where they should be. As a former student years ago I felt the need to donate to the university to do my part and to encourage others I know to pledge continual support. This was the idea until I had the unfortunate opportunity to interact with some of the folks in administration and then I realize my money was better spent at the other institutions I attended. I hav never seen such unprofessional, petty, short sighted people in my life. This is essentially why UB is in the state it is in. I feel.sorry for whoever tries to run that train wreck. I wanted to set up scholarships for students to attend there or to even give funding for students leaving to go abroad but how do you give when the people to handle the funds show zero respect for you.

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