Questions on Sandals’ sea bed lease

EDITOR, The Tribune.

SANDALS application to construct on their water frontage, presume they have government sea bed lease a wedding chapel.

How on earth doesn’t Town Planning-Physical Planning don’t think this application merits a public hearing? What is projected to be built? How much sea bed is involved? The sea bed lease was given for what commercial purpose - a boat dock is one thing a chapel is something totally different.

When you construct in the sea anything alters the currents etc, areas where today you might have sand suddenly sand disappears...To those in the area what recourse would they have if their beach disappears? Easy say go to court but the mistake is the Town Planning Authority. Chapel for weddings...for the civil, very important “civil ceremony” but does that include receptions etc...? Noise level.

Sandals need to correct the annoying lack of parking for their employees their employees park all over the place...they park everywhere.



August 20, 2024.


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