Aspiring audiologist seeks help to continue pursuit of her dreams

Judith Strachan

Judith Strachan


Tribune Staff Reporter


A 25-year-old aspiring audiologist is seeking help as she continues her studies.

Judith Strachan, a second-year student at Nova Southeastern University working towards a Doctorate in Audiology, faces the risk of delaying her studies due to financial difficulties.

Ms Strachan has dedicated her career to the memory of Mother Leotha Deveaux-Curry, a cherished family friend who passed away in 2024 who struggled with hearing loss.

“She was a guiding light in my decision to become an audiologist because I wanted to help her. Now that she’s gone, I want to honour her memory by continuing my studies and making a difference,” Ms Strachan said.

As the youngest of five, Ms Strachan depends entirely on her parents. Her mother is retired, and her father is nearing retirement.

“My parents have sacrificed so much to support me, including funding my undergraduate degree and helping me through the past year. But unforeseen financial hardships have made it challenging for them to assist me as they once did,” she told The Tribune.

“I knew it would be tough, but I believe with faith, perseverance, and trust in God, anything is possible. I am determined to finish my degree and graduate on time in 2027. I’m asking for support to help me complete the last three years of my studies.”

Ms Strachan’s decision to pursue audiology was inspired by a transformative high school internship.

“During high school, I shadowed an audiologist in The Bahamas, and that experience changed my life. It confirmed my passion for the field, and I still treasure the ear mold impression I received. There are so many people in The Bahamas who suffer from hearing impairments, and I dream of giving back to my community and beyond,” she said.

Ms Strachan hopes to return home after her studies to address the shortage of audiologists and offer support to those in need.

“Any financial assistance or even sharing this campaign means the world to me. I’ve overcome so many obstacles to get this far, and I believe that with your support, no matter how big or small, it will make a real difference in my journey,” she said.

To support Ms Strachan and help her achieve her dream, visit her GoFundMe at https://gofund.me/20b865bf.


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