Condo covenants should be revisited and improved

EDITOR, The Tribune.

MR Albury certainly stamped on toes of BREA… there is a fundamental issue in the management of a condo association… should absentee owners be on condo association committees? Would it be fairer to the interests of all decisions must be voted on with the use of email ballot and decisions binding only is unanimous.

This will control what does occur where the few many times absentee owners wheel control and using simple majority vote in restrictive or even unnecessary costs. BREA unanimous decisions or no fly! Put a time limit on return question if not received within 6-10 days accepted “not objection”.

Covenants of condos… totally agree precise content accepting short - medium rentals or not… not vague position. No AirBnbs. The covenant may not be changed without the unanimous agreement, given in writing, to the condo association. Murky question always is allowed children age limits… animals of “any size” any description... allowed or banned.

Why wouldn’t BREA support improved buyer covenants and terms - why? Stricter rules surely improves the value of the property? Thanks, Mr Albury.



August 26, 2024.


trueBahamian 2 weeks, 5 days ago

Association members of condos are voted for by the owners. If someone is "absent" and this is a problem then don't vote for that person to be on the Board. Saying that it should be spelt out what is allowed or not, I could agree with that. But, keep in mind there are risks to Airbnbs in condo communities. So, you could have an objection by the majority of owners. As you know these communities go by what's in the best interests of all, not one or two individuals. A lot of communities are against Airbnbs. You have to respect that there is considerable risk to running a hotel style approach within a residential community. Literally anyone could be renting - wanted criminals, people who may be renting yo carryout activities that may not be appropriate for all members of the community.

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