Pintard: GBPA fund claim is nonsense

Opposition Leader Michael Pintard, flanked by members of the opposition, during a press conference following the 2024 Budget Communication on May 29, 2024. Photo: Dante Carrer/Tribune Staff

Opposition Leader Michael Pintard, flanked by members of the opposition, during a press conference following the 2024 Budget Communication on May 29, 2024. Photo: Dante Carrer/Tribune Staff



Tribune Staff

AFTER Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis challenged Michael Pintard to confirm or deny whether he received financial contributions from the Grand Bahama Port Authority, Mr Pintard said both major political parties have received donations from the authority for decades.

“From the days of Pindling, both organisations have received primarily in election periods, contributions from the Grand Bahama Port Authority, and principally the Progressive Liberal Party,” he said. “Ingraham himself said over and over in Parliament, none of that impacts him in any way in terms of what his opinion is relative to a matter of principle concerning governance.”

Mr Pintard’s comment came after Mr Davis accused him of being “the waterboy for the Grand Bahama Port Authority”.

When a ZNS reporter asked Mr Davis in Grand Bahama yesterday about unsubstantiated claims that Mr Pintard received up to $5m from the authority to support his campaign, Mr Davis said: “If they gave it to him, they gave it him, but what was very curious to me is that once it came out, whether he would deny it or confirm it.

“It would be good to know whether he did or not.”

“We don’t have any campaign financing rules in The Bahamas. People could give their contribution to whichever party they wish. That’s their free will, but if it comes to the light and the Bahamian people like to know, I think it’s only right for them to deny or confirm whether they have it.”

Office of the Prime Minister director of communications Latrae Rahming said yesterday that Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis has not personally received financial contributions from the Port Authority.

Mr Pintard said the claim that he received $5m from the Port Authority is “nonsense”.

He said: “We don’t want get into no figures, but $5m? Nonsense. $4m? Nonsense. Three, two, one, half a million? Nonsense. It’s fictitious.”

He also criticised ZNS’ question to Mr Davis and accused the network of basing the allegation on a meme.

“ZNS elevated a meme to an allegation,” he said. “My question is, how do you then not ask the prime minister about some of the heinous allegations, including some damning, dark stuff about violence against people, that has been floating around in reference to the prime minister directly? Relative to several ministers? If journalists now have the latitude to ask questions about something from social media, help me understand how you come to ask me about some fictitious number that we know nothing about when you have not bothered to ask questions about all these scurrilous, damning life and death memes about the prime minister and ministers?”

Mr Pintard said political contributions to him would not affect his positions and decisions.

“If you want to contribute to Marco City efforts or to the party’s efforts, feel free but that’s not going to alter what our opinion is on a particular subject,” he said.

He said his party believes the owners of the Port Authority should divest themselves of their interest in the institution either wholly or in part.

Dr Duane Sands, chairman of the FNM, said yesterday: “At a time when Grand Bahamians are looking for real solutions, for the prime minister to go to Grand Bahama and seek political gamesmanship is nothing short of an insult. This is the party of quid-pro-quo. This is the party of Sam Bankman-Fried and Peter Nygard, and so while they may be into transactional politics, we certainly are not.”

Both major political parties have promised to enact campaign finance rules but have repeatedly failed. In its Blueprint for Change, the PLP’s pre-election manifesto, the party promised campaign finance reform. However, in August 2022, Mr Davis said campaign finance reform was not a priority, and officials have given no indication since then that the matter will be addressed.

Mr Pintard said his party would introduce campaign finance rules. His predecessor, Dr Hubert Minnis, made the same promise but did not deliver.


bahamianson 1 month, 1 week ago

Well, to stop everything. Let the present government make laws in one week that pertain to this, and we will be done with this forever. Law: no individual or group collectivly can accept donations that exceed $500 . If you are found to have recieved donations more rhan $500 , you will have to serve time in jail. Done deal. This is the time for the FNM to push the present government until election , to make the law, now. If the government doe not make the law, it is clearly pandering, just like the last government. The lot of you, plp and fnm get rich and take us for granted. Then, we make you a legend for screwing us. You family gets the royal treatment and yoy get an exp3nsive , elaborate funeral.

DiverBelow 1 month, 1 week ago

"Laaws are for You, not Me." "No need, we ignore & govt wont enforce. The Politically Elite Mandate.

TalRussell 1 month, 1 week ago

Had The Coalition Of Independents,' equally been 'on the dole' of the Hayward and St. George families DBA The Grand Bahama Port Authority --. For but even a quarter of 'one percent' of the millions of dollars stash in question --  They'd had lil stash they own have been all over Freeport -- Displaying an overexcited reaction to something so generously in kind. --  Politicians' receiving money from a quasi government -- (Especially being a family run business). --- Should've given those millions of dollars, -- Directly to benefit Freeporters' at-risk. -- Many who for years have not been on the receiving line of regular paycheques'. --- Or what about the hurricane damaged airport, hospital, or even the 'occupancy unsafe' Lucayan Towers Apartments.--  "And the rest of the too long left neglected infrastructures, " -- Yes?

birdiestrachan 1 month, 1 week ago

Doctor Sands is in a ditch and digging Nygard and Bankman Freud really, why not Barry Major and OBAN and those trumped up charges the Bahamian tax payers had to pay the cost, then toggie and boggie, Doc Sands give the Bahamian people credit for having common sense it is all right if you Believe you are a superior being no body cares if that is your belief

John 1 month ago

What is Election Reform and the public disclosure act and what’s the other one they refuse to bring into law? Then the PM wouldn’t have to sit there asking Pintard if he get anything from the Port Authority and how much. And Michael Pintard wouldn’t have to respond ‘yea we get lil sim um, dummy, but not as much as you. Then the Rasta dem doesn’t have to prove ‘well sa port dem ainn give us nuttin, still’

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