FNM leader discusses labour concerns with Trade Union Congress


Tribune Staff Reporter


FREE National Movement leader Michael Pintard met with union leaders associated with the Trade Union Congress to discuss their labour concerns.

A press release issued by the party said a wide range of matters were discussed, including industrial agreements.

The FNM said although a number of industrial agreements were signed, many have not yet been registered and taken effect.

“Trade unionists shared with the opposition leader the plight of Bahamian performers, some of whom reported feeling marginalised in some hotels as well as being inadequately reflected on the agenda of international guest artists permitted to perform in the country,” the party added.

“The slow pace of staff confirmation was highlighted –– especially among nurses –– while the country sports nurses to address the shortage.”

The opposition said the groups also spoke about the high cost of living and the “clogging” of the public service by rehiring retired people, among other things.

“Mr Pintard confirmed his party’s commitment to addressing these issues and gave his views on the way forward,” the statement said. “He reiterated his party’s commitment to the national development plan and supporting continuity in government, fairness in addressing promotions, regularising temporary workers and improving the systems in the public service, including the Public Service Commission.”

“Mr Pintard also made clear his intention to consult and collaborate with the various umbrella unions, employees and employers to improve productivity while addressing the concerns of Bahamian workers.”


birdiestrachan 7 months, 1 week ago

The high cost of living Mr Pintard what are you going to do about that it was your government who signed an agreement with the shipping port Rich they can increase their cost if their profit falls below 10 percent, shipping contributes to the cost of living

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