Man injured after falling 60ft at GB shipyard returning to work


Tribune Staff Reporter


A YOUNG man hospitalised following an industrial accident at the Grand Bahama Shipyard last month is doing well and back to work, according to a Grand Bahama Port Authority Workers Union official.

Corey Cartwright, GBPAWU president, said the worker did not sustain any serious injuries during the incident on January 28.

The man, who is a 25-year-old permanent employee, was under observation in hospital for two days.

The incident, and another that occurred in December involving a 23-year-old casual worker, Graham Pinder, who was seriously injured after falling some 60ft, have highlighted safety concerns at the shipyard.

The GBPAWU represents over 120 permanent workers at the shipyard and met with officials concerning the recent incident, which involved a crane and a forklift.

Police reported that the incident occurred shortly before 2pm on Sunday, January 28, when the man was trapped between a crane and pieces of steel and sustained injuries to his upper body.

Mr Cartwright explained that the worker was on a forklift helping with repairs when a crane attached to a piece of steel struck him.

“It was a matter that safety was not adhered to, and fortunately, the incident was not one of a life-and-death situation,” he said.

Mr Cartwright said the union and shipyard are working closely to ensure workers follow safety protocols on the job site.

He noted that every ship repair job depends on how fast the ships can get in and out.


birdiestrachan 7 months, 1 week ago

It appears there are to many accidents there

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