Defence Force to do integrated training with Jamaican forces

ROYAL Bahamas Defence Force Commodore Raymond King.

ROYAL Bahamas Defence Force Commodore Raymond King.


Tribune Staff Reporter


A ROYAL Bahamas Defence Force team will soon visit Jamaica to prepare for possible deployment to Haiti, according to Defence Force Commodore Raymond King.

He said the officers will go to Jamaica for three weeks for integrated training involving other Caribbean countries committed to deploying persons to Haiti.

“We’ll bring in our partners from South America, the Argentinians and Chileans, who would provide Train the Trainer PKO training for a certain number of our instructors so we can continue to build internal capacity,” Commodore King said.

“The government has indicated its inclination towards the maritime security posture, which is what we naturally do, but Kenya and the Republic of Haiti, I think they are in the process of signing off on an agreement which will enable the Kenyans to deploy their police officers. But Kenya is preparing to send its initial team of some 200 persons into Haiti as a part of the advance team.”

The United Nations Security Council approved a year-long multi-national security mission to Haiti in October.

However, a Kenyan court blocked the country from deploying police officers to Haiti. Kenya’s government said it would appeal the matter.


birdiestrachan 10 months, 3 weeks ago

The Bahamas can not save Haiti we have enough of our own problems. The Bahamas will become Haiti if to many of them come here

hrysippus 10 months, 3 weeks ago

The Bahamas Defence Force might learn something good from the JDF. The JDF were discipolined and reliable in Abaco after the disaster of Dorian, the BDF was busy shipping donated generators back to Nassau to sell and make dollars, or this is what I heard from sources close by....

ExposedU2C 10 months, 2 weeks ago

Sending RBDF officers to Haiti under this ill-conceived initiative will undoubtedly prove to be yet another huge foreign policy blunder by Dumbo PM Davis and Sleazy Freddy Boy Mitchell.

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