Restaurant pledges to showcase local talent


Tribune Business Reporter


A western New Providence restaurant is pledging to stage more events for patrons as it gets set to celebrate its first-year anniversary next month.

Precious Fortune-Thompson, chairman of Foreign Xscape Group of Restaurants, owner of the Prime One Seafood and Steakhouse eatery, told Tribune Business: “We wanted to bring a new edge steakhouse to the western district of New Providence. We don’t have a lot of Bahamian-owned restaurants and so we are very proud of that.

“One is a milestone and this is just the beginning. We have a lot of new events, shows and a lot of entertainment coming up for this entire year.” These events will be targeted at Bahamian talents who have lacked an outlet to showcase their talents. “We are proud to be able to support a lot of young people, men and women, and just Bahamians in general who need that extra push,” Ms Fortune-Thompson said.

Prime One is a “post-pandemic” business and is said to be growing significantly. Ms Fortune-Thompson added: “In any business things start off slow, but we’ve really been growing tremendously since last summer now that everybody is getting back into the swing of things.

“We’re seeing a lot of tourists come in because it is in close proximity to the airport. We recently went from being open to dinner to now being open for lunch and also to brunch on Sunday, and that has also increased the uptick of visitors to our restaurant.”

Located on Windsor Field Road, the site has worked out for Prime One because it has been able to set itself apart from other high-end restaurants that are largely based in the tourist areas. “If everybody is downtown then you need to put some persons out west or east,” she said.

Ms Fortune-Thompson added: “If you look at the Plaza One West you would see there are a lot of developments that are happening right now and, by the end of this year, this is going to be a massive shopping centre. There will be lots for Bahamians to do and having the restaurant here is perfect.”


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