Running in Love 2 on track for Feb. 10


Tribune Sports Reporter


Valentine’s Day is less than a month away and so is the second edition of the “Running in Love” Fun, Run, Walk, Push and Roll extravaganza.

The lovers themed event is the first of four seasonal races to be hosted by Four Seasons Race Management in 2024 and is slated to get underway at 6am on February 10.

Although the fitness event may seem to only cater to couples, Four Seasons Race Management owner and certified race director Marcel Major said it is also open to non-romantic duos.

“The event is not only for couples, it is where romance, love and friendship meets the asphalt. We are encouraging persons who are in love with themselves or in love with anybody else to sign them up. It is a very fun-filled, family-oriented couples event but we are not only encouraging couples, we are encouraging best friends, co-workers and anyone dating to register as a duo and enjoy this valentines themed event,” Major said.

The route is 3.1 miles long for participants and begins from Arawak Cay to the go slow bend and back. Duos that cross the finish line together in first, second or third place will be presented fun run awards and others will receive a medal and shirt for their efforts.

The first seasonal event for the organisation will be sponsored by City of Hope for a second consecutive year and a part of the event’s proceeds will go to cancer survivors Dr Nevillene Evans and her husband Leon Evans.

Tina Lightbourne, a representative of City of Hope, was elated to contribute to a worthy cause as this year’s title sponsor.

“I would like to take this opportunity to thank Marcel Major and Four Seasons for allowing us to give back to the Bahamian community.

“We have been in The Bahamas since 2012 and over the years we have seen many Bahamian patients and we were able to help many Bahamian patients… I would like to thank the Bahamian population for using our services and making us a part of their cancer journey.

“This is our way of giving back by sponsoring Running in Love which is a couples event,” Lightbourne said.

“The event organisers were extremely grateful for the sponsorship by City of Hope and so were charity recipients, Mr and Mrs Evans.

“We really want to say a special thank you to City of Hope, who are sponsoring this event, and also a special thanks to Mr and Mrs Major who have selected both of us who are cancer survivors.

“We thank God that we are here today and are in love as cancer survivors. That is a big thing. We also intend to participate at the event. We are very humbled by the gesture to have been selected as recipients for this good event,” Mr Evans said.

His wife said she was looking forward to February 10 and encouraged those in a battle with cancer to have unwavering faith in a higher power, to be mindful of diet and place an emphasis on exercising.

Interested individuals can register at www.fourseasonsracemanagement.com or contact 804-8595/601-0006 for further assistance.

The cost to register is $60 per couple. However, the early bird special which started on January 13 and ends at midnight on Wednesday, January 31 offers 20% off for participants.


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